Chapter 25.- ... "A love like theirs" (Final)

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Have you ever felt that your life is like a movie? ... That your life has been surrounded at all times by difficult, painful moments ... emotions to the fullest, like a roller coaster in which you do not stop falling.

And that later ... when you believe that you have recovered the course of your life and believe that you can be happy, the universe sends you another test, threatens to take everything away, destroys you, fills you with fear ... you go through dark places to fall into hell itself hit bottom and in the end ... when you think that the film is destined to be a sad and terrifying drama, there is a total twist in the plot that makes you feel like the luckiest person in the world, makes you feel that there is someone fair deciding the fate of things, someone willing to give you back your life and the opportunity to live it surrounded by love and happiness.

An unexpected happy ending.

Eric felt that ...

After so much suffering, after losing Mary, after almost losing Finn ... listening to Dr. Keery narrate to them everything that happened in that operating room seemed somewhat surreal, his son had defeated death, he had been the winner of an impossible situation, he was not that type of man ... he would not be the type of man who loses everything, his wife, his son ... no, he was the type of lucky man, he had faith, he knew that his beautiful angel would not allow that nothing bad happened.

He just felt it, suspected it, but couldn't know that in fact, his angel was by Finn's side at all times, that she never leaves them, that she loves them deeply.

Finn would someday have that talk with him, someday he would tell him about the encounter he had with his mother, someday Eric would know that the peace he feels when he thinks about her, when he listens to his favorite song, when he rubs his wedding ring with love, it is not just in his imagination, it exists, it is real.

And about Millie ... I don't think there is any way to describe the happiness she felt, somehow she already knew it, in her heart she knew that Finn would survive, after all, it was her love that kept him here, her love and her faith was the anchor to keep him in this world.

"He will stay all this afternoon and night in intensive care, but tomorrow he will be transferred to his room ... there you will be able to see him, be with him and wait for him to wake up".

Those were Dr. Joe's words, followed by a big hug from Eric.

"Dr.Keery ... I don't know how to thank you for all this ... you saved my son, thanks for fighting by our side"

"Mr. Wolfhard ... we all did it ... we fought together".

And it was true, this is how fate works, a set of circumstances and correct people, when everything is aligned and there is love and faith, magic is activated, wonderful things like this happen.

The last hours were eternal, Alice convinced Millie to go home to shower, change clothes and eat a decent meal, Millie agreed on the condition of being back in the hospital at the exact moment that Finn was transferred to his room, visits would be very limited, but she and Mr. Wolfhard were allowed to be there, so she didn't want to waste a single second, she wanted to be there when he woke up.

Millie will never forget the feeling of relief that filled her chest when she witnessed the moment Finn was brought back to his room, the feeling can only be compared to drinking water after being in the desert for days, like breathing after struggling to swim to the surface, when you felt like your lungs were about to collapse from lack of oxygen.

Millie immediately sat down on Finn's right side, holding his hand tightly smiling as she still saw the words that she had written, all the medication that Finn was being administered was through his left hand, thanks to that Millie's words had managed to go unnoticed, she kissed the back of his hand, getting comfortable in her chair because she was not willing to get up from there until he woke up.

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