Chapter 21.-"Blue"

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"Finn ... he's clean, completely clean ... there is no drug of any kind in his system".

It's funny how the context of a situation can change absolutely everything, the meaning of things, the perception of problems ... we are part of such a system, where a particular context defines everything ... in a normal situation, the doctor's words would be good news, any parent would be happy to hear that their soon does not have any addiction problems, any parent would be relieved that their soon's problems did not overwhelm him to the point where he decided to harm his own body.

But Eric was not relieved, because this time, a positive doping test, even if it had been a difficult, worrisome and painful result, at least gave them an answer, an opportunity to act.

They went back to the beginning, they had nothing and while they were in the dark, Finn would also still be there.

There was absolute silence for a couple of minutes, Millie could not even bear to be in front of the doctor, immediately after hearing his words, her steps took her to Finn's side, she took his hand and fixed her gaze on his sleeping face, just on him, pretending that the two people standing behind her didn't exist, pretending that she hadn't heard nothing.

Eric on the other hand stood in front of Doctor Keery, held his gaze on him, perhaps hoping that something would happen, hoping that this was not the whole story, hoping that there was something more to say, but it was not so and the Doctor had to leave it clear.

"This takes away our last chance to find a diagnosis but ... Mr. Wolfhard, no one has given up, the most trained doctors are working to resolve this and I ... well, I have filed a request with the Hospital council, I'm asking for authorization to involve Vancouver's Hospital, that's where Finn's medical history is in the first years of his life, if I get the authorization I will only need you to approve it and... ".

"I will approve what is necessary ... no matter what ..." Eric said as he took a seat in one of the armchairs and looked back at Doctor Keery to ask the only question he could ask at the moment. "Doctor ... And now what?".

"Wait ... keep him stable, hope his heart doesn't get weaker and wait for him to wake up or find something new ... sorry Mr. Wolfhard". After saying this the doctor walked out the door leaving a huge dismay in Millie and Eric.

Millie kept staring at Finn, as if her gaze could pierce his head and get to the bottom of his brain, as if she could magically get the information she needed to help him.

Eric took a seat on the other side of the bed and they both stood there in silence, knowing that for the moment there was nothing they could do for him, other than wait... wait and wait.

In a blink the first week ended ...

No new news, everything continued the same, as if the time had frozen, the only difference is that one of those afternoons, the guys and David were authorized to make a quick visit, at least they managed to brighten up Eric's afternoon a little, the Gaten's occurrences made him smile, deep down he was happy that his son had found good friends there, that he had people who cared about him.

"I'm just saying if Finn isn't eating anything, it won't matter if I take some jellies in his name". Gaten said while filling his mouth with lemon jelly that he asked the nurse.

"I can't believe you really asked for jellies to be brought into the room, this is not a fucking hotel!". Sadie said while hitting him on the head.

"No problem, guys ... I really appreciate being here and I'm sorry you can't stay any longer". Eric said with a friendly smile, despite the constant concern he always tried to be nice to everyone who cared about his son.

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