Chapter 15.- "A purple flower"

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It had been 3 days since classes were suspended, the students had not yet returned to classes, the official statement that they gave to the parents was that classes would resume next Monday, the legal procedures and the school audits took longer than expected.

Those days off represented a blessing for Finn and Millie, neither of them was in a position to return to school, they were not yet ready to face this new reality, a reality in which they are no longer together, a reality in which both are broken.

Millie had spent the days secluded in her room, a place that days ago had been full of color and light, today was gray, lifeless, perfectly combined with the cold and rainy weather outside, making her eat something had been a battle lost to Alice and as for Sadie...

She had called her day and night without receiving an answer, fortunately she did not know how to give up and insisted enough to make Millie feel guilty, that's how one afternoon Millie finally took her Face time call.

"Girl! ... I thought you had disappeared from the planet! ... I've tried to call you for days to talk about all the shit that happened at school ... it's all over the news and ...". Sadie immediately stopped when she noticed Millie's appearance.

"Holy shit... what happened to you?.... I'm sorry but you look terrible, are you sick? OR...?"

"I'm fine Sadie, it's just that ... well, it's been a difficult days". Millie cut her off, struggling to hold back the tears.

"Where the hell is Finn? I don't know what's wrong with you, Millie, but he should be with you right now, it's a boyfriend's duty and ...". Sadie's words disappeared when she saw the gesture of pain on her friend's face when she heard Finn's name.

"Oh no ... This is all about him, right? ... Did you have problems with Finn? ... What did he do? I swear to God, I'll kick his ass! ". Sadie said making Millie laugh a little who shook her head quickly.

"I don't want to talk about this Sads, I can only tell you that he is not the person I thought ... he lied to me ... but hey!, I know that you guys like Finn and ... I have no problem with that, I mean ... if you want to continue being his Friends, it's fine with me... I just want to try to stay as far away from him and I hope you can understand that".

"Oh shit...It seems that this was something serious ... listen, I want you to know that I am here for you, when you are ready to speak it, I listen to you ... you are not alone and no matter what has happened, I think there is always a solution, the heart takes a while to heal but always heals... "

Millie wanted to believe in Sadie's words, she really wanted to believe it, she wanted to believe that someday it would no longer hurt, that one day she could be the same again, that one day she could stop listening to the voices of the people who made fun of her ... that one day she would stop seeing that curly boy appear in her dreams every night, she wanted to believe that one day she could forget.

"I hope that the news I have for you will cheer you up a bit!". Sadie's voice brought Millie out of her thoughts. "That is why I have been trying to call you Millie! ... with all this trouble, the lawyers who are defending the school approached us, they will repair all the damage caused!".

"Does that mean you? ...". Millie asked hopefully.

"Yes Millie !! ... we can go back to school!".

The joy that filled Millie's heart was indescribable, finally good news, something that motivates her to get out of bed, she was so afraid of going back to school because she would be alone, she would have to walk through the halls again, enter to classes without any company, without any friend, without anyone to hold her hand and give her strength when she inevitably meets Finn's gaze.

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