Chapter 10.- "Tiny Dancer"

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"This must be a fucking joke".

Finn groaned as he rubbed his face and hair with his hands, slowly lifting his face to see Caleb, trying to sound as calm as possible. "Caleb ... I guess your friend lets any minor into this place...".

"Ok ... I must accept that he has a reputation for being ... "manipulable" when it comes to receiving bribes, but I swear to God I didn't know that idiot frequented this place!!, I mean ... how would I know?!!". Caleb threw up his hands in surrender, now all the guys had already noticed the awkward presence of Jacob and Iris.

"God ... my ass has never been kicked in a bar ... I suppose it will be a good anecdote". Gaten said a little resigned.

"He won't kick anyone's ass!" . Sadie cut him off. "For God's sake just ignore him ... he may not even realize we're here so ..."

"Well, well ... Someone released the phenomena of the circus!" Jacob's voice interrupted Sadie.

"Well it looks like they already saw us, Sads". Millie said letting out a small laugh as she took another sip of that strange pink drink that Sadie had asked for her, part of Finn loved the way in which Millie was not bothered by the presence of Jacob, to see her like that, so calm, so sure... so oblivious to what was really going on, it warmed his heart, he knew that it was all thanks in large part to the alcohol that was now in her system, but he wished he could create a wall around her, a shield that would protect her forever from everything that could harm her, even if that included him too ...

"Did the rats eat your tongue, Wolfhard?". Iris's flirtatious voice, brought Finn out of his thoughts, forcing him to become alert, after all he was the only one completely sober, without thinking he stood up and approached them.

"Listen, Jacob, not here, please ... not today". Finn lowered his voice as much as he could. "We are all minors, do not start a damn problem, there is enough space here for everyone".

"Wow, I can't deny you anything, Wolfie...especially when you beg like this" . Jacob looked at Finn with a petulant smile, although deep inside Jacob knew that Finn was right, it really did not suit them to start a problem, they were all doing something illegal and although Jacob was a spoiled boy who got everything he wanted, his parents would kill him if they found out he was in a bar.

"Well Wolfhard, let's have fun then, let's be friends for one night!". Jacob let those words out in the most ironic tone possible as he sat at a nearby table, Finn rolled his eyes annoyed, he would have preferred that he move further away, choose a table upstairs or at the other end of the place, but you can't get everything you want, at least he had gotten a truce for that night ... or so he thought.

"Relax, Finnie, you are very tense ... just ignore them". Millie said as she placed her hand on his cheek attracting him to leave a soft kiss on his lips, Finn's body relaxed at her touch, ¿Was losing himself in her eyes enough to forget the horrible feeling in his stomach caused by the presence of Jacob? ... He hoped so.

"What did I do to deserve this amazing brave princess? ... I'm just a poor commoner". Finn said as he tenderly kissed her nose.

"Oh but you're a very cute commoner Finnie"

"God ... that's what you call flirting ?!". Noah interrupted them

"It doesn't surprise me that we all get to college as virgins". Gaten said as he took a drink from his drink.

"Well...actually Sa..." Caleb didn't finish his sentence when Sadie shoved a bottle of beer and put it in his mouth. "KARAOKE!". Sadie yelled pointing at a small stage in the center trying to divert everyone's attention. "It's Karaoke night guys."

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