Chapter 14.- "In the garbage"

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Endless tears soaked her face, the water fell from her eyes just as the water fell from the sky and mercilessly hit the front glass of her car, incredible how the weather adapted perfectly to the situation, as if nature intended to make it worse everything.

It was not the best decision to drive at times like this, as a heavy storm fell over the city and while her heart was broken, but right now Millie was only concerned with escaping, getting away from that place and reaching her home, to the only safe place she had left, the only place where she could scream, cry, let all that anger out... she had crossed that line, the exact moment when your pain is so much that it turns into anger towards yourself and towards the whole world, feeling hatred for everything that led you to the point where you are now.

After driving for minutes that seemed eternal and without realizing it, her instinct led her to park in front of a house that was not her own, there was a light on, the same light she saw in the afternoon, the same light that almost made her come closer to satiate her curiosity, but now it was not her curiosity that led her there ... it was her anger, with determined steps she approached the door knocking loudly as the rain continued to fall on her, part of Millie appreciated that, so her tears would be less evident, later for a few seconds the door opened.

An old woman with a kind expression opened the door, with a soft smile as if this visit did not surprise her, as if she had been waiting for the girl who is now in front of her, wet, with a face full of anger and holding tight between her hands, a red diary.

"Mrs. Kersh". Millie said, walking into her house without even waiting for an invitation.

"You are Alice Brown's granddaughter, right? I'm happy that ...".

"WHY? ... Why did you do that?" . Millie cut her off abruptly.

"What exactly are you talking about little girl?". Mrs. Kersh said confused.

"This !! ... I mean this!" Millie said as she tossed the diary into one of her armchairs.

"Why do you go through life lying to naive people? .... Why did you think it would be a good idea to tell that stupid diary story to my grandmother and make her tell it to me? ... Why didn't you realize the harm you could do with your lies??... Why? ... We are naive, we made the mistake of believing in you and I made the greatest ridicule of my life ... they humiliated me ... they lied to me ... they broke my heart and all that for believing a lie ... in a stupid lie! ". Millie dropped into one of the armchairs as she placed her hands on her face and began to sob again, full of rage, full of pain.

"Sweet girl ... just because it didn't work for you doesn't mean it's not real". Mrs. Kersh took Millie's diary and found the first sheet on which Millie had written her wish list, as soon as Millie looked up, quickly took it from her hands, what she had written was too embarrassing and already she had been humiliated enough, sadly Mrs. Kersh had already seen enough, she approached her sitting next to her, it seemed that she was trying to choose her words well.

"Millie ... don't be offended but ... I'm not surprised that your wishes haven't come true".

"Excuse me?". Millie said confused and almost irritated that Mrs. Kersh kept talking as if the diary was real.

"look at this". Mrs.Kersh said pointing to the phrase that the book had engraved in gold letters.

"If you think you are worthy, write and wait...

Only the purest wishes are visibles to magic"

"This phrase is here for a reason Millie, your wishes are beautiful but ... they are selfish, they are things you want for yourself ... this diary can grant any wish for love ... but real love is disinterested, that is why only few people are worthy of activating the magic... it is the diary that chooses the person ".

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