Chapter 6.- "Second star to the right"

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The moment Finn's car started to go faster Millie rolled down the window and let the air play with her face and hair, her right arm was completely out as if she wanted to catch the fresh air between her fingers, she did not remember having felt that feeling of freedom before, of happiness, she turned her gaze towards Finn who had a slight smile on his face and his gaze fixed on the road, she took the time to admire his face ... he was really handsome, in its unique and different shape was completely attractive.

"Do you like what you see, Freckles?". Finn said with a pretentious smile on his face as he discovered her looking at him.

"Shit". Millie thought as she searched for the least humiliating way to apologize. "What? ... No ... I ... I was just asking if we were close to the place, you've already driven for almost 20 minutes". Finn smiled a little at her nervousness, he came up with a thousand ways to make fun of her, but this was not the time, he really wasn't going to bother her for that nigth.

"In fact ... we are about to arrive." Finn said while turning in a driveway surrounded by trees, immediately Millie could perceive that aroma of nature that she loved so much, Finn parked and then quickly ran to the other side of the car to open the door for Millie, Millie wanted to get up immediately but Finn stopped her while he opened the glove box of his car and took out a scarf.

"Okay, now I'm going to blindfold you, I don't want you to see anything until it's time".

"What? ... you really are crazy Finn Wolfhard". Millie replied as she shook her head in disbelief, Finn could really be a fool, but he was the type of fool that made a thousand butterflies flutter in your stomach.

"So now we use our full names, right? ... perfect Millie Bobby Brown, I can stay here all night if necessary but considering that we have a curfew from General Alice, I would appreciate it if you would follow my instructions ".Millie nodded, took the scarf from her hands, and put it on herself as she pouted in disgust that was almost imperceptible considering the big smile that adorned her face. As soon as Finn made sure that Millie didn't see anything, he took her arm and they started walking, they passed a couple of bushes and suddenly stopped, Millie felt a great emotion, without the sense of sight her other senses were sharpened, I could hear the sound of crickets, some birds, I could smell the plants and I could smell ... that was wet soil ... like water, they were in ...

"Now can see". Finn whispered directly into her ear, causing a chill to run down her spine, while with his other hand he removed the scarf. Millie blinked a few times before focusing her eyes, everything was more beautiful than she had tried to imagine in the last couple of minutes, there was a lake, a lake so transparent that the moon and stars were reflected in it and not only that, As soon as she looked better she could see everything that Finn had prepared for her, there were 3 lamps hanging from a tree, giving the place a perfect lighting, there was a big blanket on the grass and a basket with sandwiches, cookies and a big bottle of grape soda, which for some reason made her laugh.

"Grape soda?" She said as she bent down and took the bottle in her hands.

"Hey ... sorry, I couldn't get red wine ... it's also grapes, so I thought it would work". Finn said with a shrug, Millie was silent for a moment as she inspected every aspect of the place, Finn was starting to get nervous and for a moment he felt the need to justify himself.

"Listen, I know it is something improvised, but I really prepared everything in a couple of hours, If I had had a little more time, I swore that this would have been much better and ...". Finn couldn't finish his sentence because Millie had pulled him by the arm making him fall onto the blanket along with her, their faces were now face to face, Millie put a hand on his cheek and looked him straight in the eye.

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