Chapter 7.- "You deserve to be alone"

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Millie slowly opened her eyes, the emotions of the previous day were still present throughout her body, a wide smile spread across her face, she did not even feel the ravages of the few hours of sleep she had had, talking to her grandmother until dawn about everything that happened on her date was worth it, of course ... she had omitted certain details, the heated kisses could be left out of the story, she did not need to know that.

Millie brought her hand to her lips still feeling that tickle, she could almost feel the ghost of Finn's lips still on hers, a vanilla-flavored kiss and then a grape-flavored kiss, she couldn't contain a laugh as she remembered the soda shot everywhere,she stood up and went to take a shower, it was comforting because now she was a little more awake, she wrapped herself in her robe and opened the window, Millie always loved her window, it was big and she could see the sky from there, as a girl she used to imagine that Peter Pan would ever walk in there, she immediately noticed the sky, today was a gray day it was about to rain, fortunately Finn would pick her up today in his car, they would arrive together at school, their  first official day as girlfriend and boyfriend...

"Boyfriend", the word felt strange when it came out of her mouth, but it felt good in her chest, like a heat capable of illuminating everything, she wanted so much to live her life in a different way, now it was as if fear was over, did not exist in her, she was no longer afraid to let people in, her mind immediately flew to Sadie, Caleb, Gaten and Noah, those nice guys who had spent all their time trying to include her, she didn't want to avoid what she was feeling anymore, she really appreciated them and from this day on she wanted to let them know, accept them as friends and make up for all the time they were there without receiving anything in exchange from her, this new emotion for living spread from her mind to her heart, for the first time she felt complete, she wondered if Finn felt the same, she looked the clock and hurried to get dressed, in minutes Finn would come for her.


"Shit, shit, shit!". Finn shot out of his bed when he realized that his alarm clock did not ring, he ran to the shower, his clothes flew everywhere before entering the stream of water, his eyes went to the laundry basket, He could see the shirt he wore the night before, completely purple and with a grape smell, a smile appeared on his face, he had a girlfriend, the most beautiful and brilliant girl in the entire universe, he looked in the mirror, saw his huge smile and I knew it was because of her, he couldn't wait to see her, at this moment he felt that he was floating as if he were in his own world, where everything was perfect ... but reality came and went in the form of a text message.

Unknown number:

"I think you owe me something"

The taste of bile flooded Finn's mouth, he closed his eyes tightly taking a big breath, he hated this and above all he hated himself, feeling completely cornered he answered that message pleading with heaven that something happened, the signal dropped or his phone exploded, but nothing happened...that message was sent, Finn grabbed his backpack and keys, he didn't want to be late, Millie had a perfect attendance record and he wouldn't screw that up regardless of the shit he was going through, was heading toward the door when a voice stopped him.

"Son, don't you have breakfast? I made pancakes and ..."

"I'm late". Finn cut him without turning to look at him.

"Dude, please ... we haven't spoken in days and ..."

"Dude? ... Are you really going to talk to me like we're really friends?" . Finn let out a bitter laugh of disbelief.

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