Chapter 17.- "Victims of the wind"

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Millie had fallen asleep with her hand pressed against Finn's cheek, lying on his shoulder, she could feel the heat radiating from his body all night, but when the first rays of light entered through the window and hit her face, returning her consciousness The first thing she could feel was a strange emptiness, that warmth had disappeared, her hand moved reflexively to the place where Finn slept to feel his chest, his face or his hair, but what she found was a cold pillow, an empty space, her eyes quickly opened.

"Finn? ...". Millie looked around but found no trace of him, ran to the bathroom but there was no one there ... her gaze fell on the window, it was open ... did he leave?.

Millie turned her gaze close to the bed and her heart stopped ... a post-it was pasted on her lamp.

The simple contact of her skin with the paper sent chills throughout her body.

"I will ask my dad to return your father's pajamas and pick up my clothes later ... I really am sorry for all the inconvenience I caused you ... thanks to you and Alice, for everything........Finn".

"Finn, here is your clothes, it's dry and ...".

Alice stopped when she entered the room and only saw Millie sitting on the bed with a note in her hand. "Wait...Where's Finn?".

"I guess he left, left this note, and went out the window ... I guess he was embarrassed that he was so reckless". Millie shrugged, pretending she didn't care.

"Honey ... you don't need to pretend with me, I know you're worried about him". Alice said gently taking Millie's hand.

"Do you think I should go see how he is? ... I mean, just to make sure". Millie asked a little blushing, Alice couldn't help but smile a little, she knew her granddaughter and was about to give in to her feelings, she could just call Finn or send him a message but she was looking for a pretext to see him, of course she wasn't going to bother her with that.

"It seems like a good idea ... you can take the opportunity to bring him his clothes and also verify that he is better we will both be calmer, now I'll let you prepare". Alice kissed Millie on the forehead before leaving her room.

The shower was a good place to think, so Millie must have spent at least 1 hour there, she was so confused by everything that had happened that night, Finn's desperate act, although reckless, managed to move her deeply, to be able to take care of him in the night, Seeing him so vulnerable, for a moment she was able to forget her pain a little, it was strange how the cause of her suffering could be a pain reliever at the same time, as if having Finn nearby had paused all the pain. But on the other hand ... why had he fled like that?... sneaking out, leaving just one simple note, it was all really confusing and Millie was physically and mentally exhausted of trying to read his actions.

When the hot water started to run out, Millie realized it was time to go out, pulled a ponytail into her hair, wrapped herself up and went down to eat some breakfast Alice, Finn's clothes were perfectly folded, ready for her to take.

"Do you want to use the car?". Alice asked, getting up from the dining room, feeling a slight dizziness that made her place her palms on the table.

"Nana!" Millie approached her. "Are you okay? You look pale".

"I'm fine, honey!" She lied. "I got up very fast" She faked the best of her smiles.

"Are you sure?...". Millie questioned receiving only a sweet nod in response.

"Ok, just rest a little, I will clean the kitchen when I return and and about your question... I will use the bicycle, I need fresh air". After kissing her grandmother, Millie walked to the door, being interrupted by Alice shortly before leaving.

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