Chapter 18.- "A ghost in the library"

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1 month later.

30 days had passed since the return to school, things were strange for everyone, change of administration, change of director, a total restructuring in the educational system, but they couldn't complain, things were better, now things were done with transparency and honesty, Iris and Jacob had left the city, each with their respective mothers, they decided that teenagers shouldn't be near the city while their parents' legal situation was clarified, it's not like someone missed them, in fact things were much better, even athletes and cheerleaders were a nicer group, that par was definitely the apple that rotted the others.

On the other hand, for Finn and Millie ...

People say that no matter how hurt you are, how afraid you are, how destroyed your spirit is, life does not stop, at some point your body becomes so used to the pain that you begin to feel numb and that is how you manage to continue.

It does not mean that you are strong, it only means that you are human ... we humans adapt, we recover from loss and although there is no reason that makes us get out of bed every morning, we do it, we keep going ... at least until night comes and we can take off that mask, because we can deceive the whole world but never ourselves.

Just like that was the last month for them.

Going on with their normal lives, fearing the moment when their eyes would meet in the hallway or they would have to share some class, it was uncomfortable as hell, but they had no other alternative ... at least Millie had the guys, their return to school made everything easier, the guys even tried to include Finn when Millie was not around but Finn in a friendly way always ended up walking away from them, he didn't want to bother Millie in any way and to be honest he felt calmer if Millie was surrounded by trustworthy people, he wanted the guys to focus on her and he wasn't going to cause them to divide their attention just because they felt guilty to see him become a lonely guy... although let's be clear, if Finn was alone at school it was because he wanted it.

Few people can say that they are alone by their own decision... Finn was one of them, when the girls at school learned he was single, it started a competition to get his attention, without the presence of Jacob, and with the prom close, Finn had become everyone's dream, the Canadian guy, mysterious, handsome ... if the school's weirdo could conquer him then anyone could, right? ... but they were wrong .

Finn was too kind to be rude to the girls but too smart to avoid them, Finn volunteered to help out in the school library which gave him access to restricted areas, that's where Finn took refuge between periods and in the lunch time, it was like a ghost now, if you could see him at school you were lucky.

He preferred it that way, as long as he was alone he wouldn't have to fake a smile, he wouldn't have to explain, as long as he stayed away from Millie, he would let her get on with her life and would also lessen the temptation to drop to his knees and tell her that he needs her back, beg her to forgive him, yell at her that he loves her... he would not do that, he had made a decision, and Millie's attitude the last time they spoke had confirmed that it was the right thing to do.

Seeing how Millie reacted with indifference to the letter he wrote, showed him that she was really broken, that he had broken her in an irreparable way, he prohibited himself from causing her any damage and for that the distance was necessary.

That was Finn, a stupid romantic hero ... but anonymous, because Millie had no knowledge of the existence of that letter, because for Millie ... he just gave up.

She managed to accept it and get on with her life, after a few weeks of insistence at the end Millie decided to share part of the truth with Sadie, Sadie was an amazing person, any other human being would have hated Finn, but she didn't, something inside her was screaming that there was another part of the story...Sadie was very similar to Alice in many ways, maybe that's why Millie felt so comfortable by her side.

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