Chapter 20.- "A paper under the bed"

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Hi guys, this chapter was a roller coaster of emotions, I would like to know if it happens to you just like me while doing the final reading so... please comment as much as you can, I want to feel your feelings in each part of this chapter


10 hours later ...

It is incredible how things take a complete turn in a short period of time, Alice, who hours ago was unconscious and practically on the verge of death, now recovered in her room, her situation had the power to surprise all the doctors in the hospital, they did not remember a similar case, they did not remember someone who recovered in such a way to heart damage like the one she suffered.

Thanks to the laser technology, the incision of the operation was so small that she did not even have a large wound to worry about, she only needed absolute rest and in two weeks she could go home, weekly visits to monitor her health and that was it ... list to get her life back.

Despite the big risk she went through, it was not her heart that mattered to her now ... her priority was the broken heart of the girl who had hours and hours crying on her lap, again... she is the protector, again she is who takes care of her granddaughter ... gently stroking her hair as Millie clings to her like she's a lifeboat, her lifeboat.

The images of what happened in that waiting room did not leave her brain, she remembers the fear she felt when she saw Finn on that stretcher, being dragged by the paramedics, she remembers running after him, until the doctors disappeared behind the door of a restricted area ... remember the last thing she saw before the doors closed, doctors surrounding him, some opening his shirt to check his vital signs and others covering his nose and mouth with an oxygen mask.

Millie kept seeing in her mind the moment Mr. Wolfhard arrived at the hospital, his face panicked, his screams desperate to see his son, to have an answer from the moment Dr. Keery left the emergency area.

"What is wrong with Finn?!".

The worried face of the doctor could indicate that the results of the tests are bad, seeing the pallor of his skin, a chill ran through Eric's body, the results could not be good ... but this time there was something worse than a bad diagnosis ...

No diagnosis.

Dr. Keery's response would not be what they expected.

"Mr. Wolfhard ... We ... we don't know".

"It's a joke, right? ... You don't know?!, What does that mean!?". Millie had never seen Eric so upset, but it was his son's life, she couldn't blame him, even she was about to lose patience.

"Mr. Wolfhard ... All kinds of studies were carried out ... we could not find the cause of Finn's fainting, but ... it definitely has to do with his heart system, his heartbeat is weak, very weak, he will be transferred to the cardiology area, it is a way of start, our best doctors will attend him, we will find the diagnosis ... I promise".

Dr. Keery, had a sincere look on his face, despite being young the passion for his work was evident, Eric nodded weakly collapsing in one of the chairs, Millie saw the fear in his eyes, that fear that hours before she had sense ... fear of being alone, fear of losing what is most important to you, the only thing in the world for you.

"I know you're awake, Honey". Alice said while still stroking her hair, pulling Millie out of that sea of ​​thoughts. "Finn is across the hall, you can go with him".

"I ... I can't leave you Nana, I will stay with you". Millie's voice sounded tired.

"Millie ... I'm serious, I'll be fine, go with him". Alice spoke seriously, she felt very, very good, but she knew that this was not the time to brag, not while the other half of her granddaughter's heart lay serious in a hospital bed.

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