Chapter 8.- "Those 3 words"

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Hi guys, here is a new chapter, it is very emotional, I use the same cover image as in chapter 2, because it is important for the story, there will be a little flash back so if you don't remember you could read CH2 again, just to have the whole context fresh...I hope you enjoy.

Millie pedaled as fast as she could, tears and rain clouding her vision but luckily she knew the way home very well and at that time there was not a lot of traffic, otherwise it would have been very dangerous, it is never a good idea to act when you are full of negative emotions, that makes you reckless and Millie was like that, she felt the emotions in an impressive way and allowed herself to be controlled by them, when she found herself in the middle of the hallway full of anger at herself, the only thing she thought about was running away, not caring about anything or anyone, not even her own safety or the consequences that it might have at her school, it was as if all the walls that she had worked so hard to tear down had grown again in a matter of seconds, she felt abandoned again, but now it was all mixed with deep guilt.

Alice was in the kitchen when she heard someone enter and run upstairs, she barely had time to see Millie's colorful converse stomping each step before hearing the loud slam of her room.

She looked at the amount of water on the floor and grabbed some towels before going upstairs to fetch her, very cautiously she knocked a couple of times but received no response, she slowly entered to find Millie curled up on her bed, turning her back on her, slowly she placed a couple of towels on her, gently drying her hair, giving her the silence she needed, she knew her granddaughter and she also knew this facet perfectly, the facet she closes in on and you must be patient until she feels secure enough to share her concerns with you, just stood there tenderly drying her hair as Millie's sobs grew.

"Did you lose your scholarship? ... Is that what happened? ... sweetness, we will solve it and ..."

"It is not that ... I, I kept the scholarship, it is not that Nana..." Millie interrupted her.

"Well then ... I don't know what happened today, TinkerBell, but I'm here". Alice said as she hugged her tightly, that contact made Millie collapse, she turned and buried her head in her grandmother's shoulder, while she stroked her hair.

"I'm a mess,that's why I'm alone". Millie said in an almost inaudible way due to the emotion in her voice. "I am always afraid that people will abandon me but I am the one who takes them away, I'm the one who doesn't deserve them, I do not take advantage of the time I have with them and then they leave, they leave just like my parents"

Alice hugged her tightly while trying to understand what was happening, her mind quickly flew towards a person.

"Honey, did something happen ... with Finn? You guys argued? " .

"No ... it's not Finn." Millie shook her head.

"My friends Nana... or I don't know if I deserve to call them that... the guys from the book club, you know them, the guys who have asked me to invite home and I never wanted to, the guys who called me to invite me to places and always made you make up some excuse ... they Nana, they lost their scholarship and left school just today when I... it doesn't matter... now it's late and I deserve this ".

"Tinker Bell". Alice said in a sweet voice as she kissed her on the forehead. "These things are coincidences, they are not your fault, you are an incredible girl, that is why I love you and that is why you are so special to Finn ...".


Her mind immediately flew to Finn, she quickly looked at her cell phone to see the missed calls and the message he had sent her minutes ago, closed her eyes tightly, and blocked her cell phone again without answering.

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