18 ~ Regrets

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"Sirius, come on. You've got to wake up, we have potions in five minutes and Slughorn will have our necks." James called straightening his tie in the mirror, Sirius groaned and turned over. "Padfoot, come on. I get it, Silver, Remus, Peter and Ivy aren't speaking to you but Lily and I will, I tried to speak to Cub last week, it's still new so she angry and upset. Just let her and Remus have time to calm down then it will be fine." James comforted him, Sirius rose from his bed and stumbled in the direction of the bathroom. It had now been over a week since the incident and Sirius wasn't dealing with it well, he hadn't left his bed since. James and Lily had taken notes for him in the lessons they share, despite Lilys being significantly better than James' and they came up with excuses as to why he wasn't in lessons. Silver, Remus, Peter and Ivy had barely noticed his absence with their anger still brewing strong, they had successfully ignored him all week. The group had become particularly close with Bellatrix, Lucius, Snape and Regulus. They had significantly decreased the amount of abuse they gave out and the death eaters had enjoyed the irregular company.

Severus enjoyed the much needed time with his sister and comforted her through the hard time, Regulus and Silver became good friends, they became very close quickly. The boy was very fond of her enthusiastic and lively personality and enjoyed hearing her stories of pranks she'd pulled. Remus and Peter often slept in Ivy and Silvers dormitory to keep away from Sirius, James joined the group often when Sirius was in a particularly bad mood and wanted to be left alone. Lily wasn't fond of Snape still and rarely joined them, instead she spent most of her time with Alice and Marlene in the library.

Remus was still deathly annoyed with Sirius, he couldn't believe Sirius had almost exposed his secret. He wouldn't tell Silver but he was scared, he could've hurt Severus, badly. He would have never forgiven himself and he sure wasn't going to forgive Sirius anytime soon.

"Bella catch!" Silver threw the quaffle to the dark haired girl who caught it successful and threw it in the direction of the hoops, it was stopped by Snape and rebounded in the direction of Peter. He clumsily caught it and threw it to Lucius, who launched it through the left hoop successfully scoring. "Ivy behind you!" Silver called, the girl spun around and flew high into the air after the snitch. Regulus bolted after her, Ivy leant forward on her broom when the snitch suddenly plummeted to the floor. Ivy and Regulus followed, " Careful, you're going to crash!" Remus called in a panicked voice. Regulus pulled upwards, while Ivy continue down. Determination over took her as she pelted down, Remus bolted downwards in the direction of Ivy. Silver watched alarmed by the rate she was dropping at. Ivy outstretched her arm and tried to grasp the snitch when suddenly she slipped, her body tumbled off the broom. Silver rushed to catch the broom while Remus caught the girl safely in his arms. He looked to the girl and smiled, "You really don't give up do you?" He chuckled out of breath, relief in his voice. Ivy giggled and nodded, Remus shuffled backwards and allowed Ivy to sit on the broom in front of him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and held onto the broom, Ivy felt butterflies rise in her stomach but pushed them away.

"I'm bloody starving." Silver giggled placing her broom carefully in its place in her dormitory, Lucius and Regulus chuckled from behind her. "Aren't you always?" Severus joked entering the room and sitting down on Silvers bed. Ivy and Remus sat on Ivys bed and broke out into fits of laughter, "Come on, Silvy. Lets go get some lunch." Bella called from the doorway, Silver skipped over to the girl and linked arms with her, "Have I ever told you how much I love you?" Silver giggled as the exited the room with the others following shortly behind them. "Only every time she mentions food." Remus added helping Peter up off the floor, where he had sat.

"Hey guys, I'm back!" Tillie ran over and engulfed Ivy into a bear hug. Silver, Remus and Peter jumped up and joined the hug. Ivy filled in Tillie about the current argument and introduced her to the others. Tillie shyly greeted them but swiftly became very comfortable in their company. Silver grew very tired after their quidditch match almost falling asleep in her dinner. Ivy chuckled and gently guided her head to fall onto Regulus' shoulder, who chuckled and allowed the girl to fall into a shallow sleep.

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