41 ~ The Potters

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"Silver, mothers been hitting you since you arrived, you've got to go to Potters for the last two days of summer!" Severus pleaded placing all of Silvers school things inside her trunk ready to bring to James'. "I'm not going! They're just going to try to tell me to turn my Veela on and I'm not going to do it!" She yelled back from where she had locked herself in the bathroom. Severus sighed and knocked on the door, "Can I at least see the bruises?" Silver unlocked the door and walked out, she sat on her bed and pulled off her jumper to reveal purple and black bruises all up her arms and across her stomach. He groaned and gently ran his hand down her arm causing her to wince in pain. "I thought that stupid ring was meant to protect you from things like that!" He shouted angrily, Silver shoot her head and pointed to the ring she'd taken off and put with her other jewellery. "It only protects me from spells but I don't wear it anymore." Severus grabbed the ring and forced it onto her finger, "I don't care if you don't want to wear it! Newt gave it to you to keep you safe." As he spoke and idea came into his mind making his face light up, instantly he began searching through the girls things.

"What are you doing?" She demanded, Severus ignored her and continued searching through her stuff. "Severus! What are you doing?" She shouted making him drop the book that was in his hand. The boys rolled his eyes, "Where's that potion I gave you for your birthday?" The girl shrugged her shoulders and lead back onto her bed, closing her eyes. Severus stood over her, his patience wearing thin. "Silver! Where the hell is the potion?" The girl opened her eyes and scowled at her brother. "It's at Hogwarts. I left it in my dorm so you couldn't try and help me. I don't want your help, now leave me alone!" She shouted making Severus jump and throwing the ring at him. The boy caught it and stormed out of the room, into his own. He sat down at his desk and pulled out a piece of parchment and quill. 

Albus Dumbledore,

I didn't want to write this letter, I thought I could handle it myself but clearly I can't. Silver's resisting her Veela, I fear if she keeps doing it she'll eventually develop the obscurial parasite. Mother's beating her continuously but Silver won't stop her, she keeps saying she deserves it. Tillie said something to her the morning we left Hogwarts and she hasn't been the same since. I've tried everything I can think of, the others have wrote to her and even Sirius has tried to convince her. She now refusing to go to the Potters so they can't try to convince her more. Also, there should be a potion of clear liquid in her dorm, it's a healing potion that took years to brew. I gave it to her for her birthday but she left it there so we couldn't heal her. Another thing, no knew until the last day but Hunter had been siphoning magic from her. That's why she took so long  for her ribs to heal, we've stopped it now but she's still weak. I'm really worried about her, I need your help.

Severus Snape

He tied the note to his owls leg and sent it off to Dumbledore. He remained by the window watching the sky and studying the ring. Suddenly, a knock on the door broke him out of his thought. He opened it to reveal Silver, she had a long cut across her cheek and tears in her eyes. Severus pulled her into the room and slammed the door behind her, "What happened?" Silver looked down at the floor, the blood running down her face and dripping down. "I went downstairs to get a book from the library but mother and father were arguing. They saw me and mother shot me with a spell, only a weak one and I was able to block it. But father punch me for not respecting her, I ran before they could do anything else. I want to go to James'." She whispered the last part as her tears ran down her face mixing with the blood. Severus nodded and pulled out his trunk which was already packed and throwing it on the bed. He grabbed his wand and opened the bedroom door, "Stay in here, I'll be right back." She nodded and sat down on his bed, her hands shaking as she sobbed. 

He returned moments later with her trunk fully packed and her broom in his hand. He threw her the broom and her wand. "I'll apparate us, hold onto me." She grabbed his arm and soon Severus' room swirled out of view, they were now standing outside of an impressive mansion. The garden outside was beautiful and clearly well cared for unlike Silvers forgotten rose garden. The stone mansion stood tall with fields of wild flowers surrounding it. Severus wandered up to the big oak entrance doors and knocked, it echoed throughout the house. Soon the twins heard footsteps arriving before the doors flung open to reveal a tall, slim brunette woman. "My gosh, dear are you okay?" She asked bending down to get a better look at Silvers cut and now bruising face. "Come in sweetheart." She moved aside letting the pair enter the house. Silver peered around the room, admiring the homely atmosphere. The stairs ahead were twisted in a perfect spiral, like a child's slinky toy pulled from each end. Each step was a deep walnut colour, rough in it's rustic charm. She placed her weight on the first step, there was no creak or sign of rot, they were as solid as the day they were made. She peered around at the Entrance Hall. The inner edge was painted antique cream, no dirt and no flaking or dents. The house was clearly, very well looked after. 

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