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This is a quick over view of BJ and her abilities during the games

Bianca Bakaar Jimenez "aka" BJ as her game name.  She's 24. Fair brown skin with African decent. Dreads that pass her shoulders, she's always wearing them in a bun though. Stands about 5'9 with an average body build and masculine looking. She's very talkative and hyper. She also has amnesia. She's very extroverted.

In game appearance: wears black tank top hoodie with purple mid-long sleeves underneath. Wears black joggers along with matching tennis shoes and a bandana. Wears shark tooth necklace from her mother.

"Optimistic Maniac" 

In game abilities: passive: "Ms. Strongness" : She's is very strong. Only is strong when she's inspired or mad and not when she's under pressure or nervous. Can break down doors with one hit and if a trap or someone is blocking a door she can still open the door all the way regardless.

Tactical: "Make em' blind" : throws a flash bang when needed. Blinds enemies for 3 seconds.

Ultimate: "Mercy". She uses a sledgehammer that works with kinetic energy. The longer and faster she spins it around the harder the force emits from the hammer. When it's slammed and stuck to the ground, it vibrates and makes it difficult for anyone to move through it. If the enemy is in the force long enough they will start to take damage.

Main kill equips: "You were dying for it. Get it? Cause you're dead"

"Man that was so easy, I coulda did that with both arms behind my back"

"That wasn't really fun. You were a boring kill"

Intro equips: "Look at me guys I'm famous!"

"You're either gonna get blinded by my flash bang, or the reflection off my bicep"

"There's a high possibly that you're gonna die. Sorry, not sorry"

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