Who is He?

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Walking onto the ship again is a weird feeling. The Apex Games coordinators and the people that run the games were choosing another place for us to fight at since a new season was coming out. It's been a few weeks, and while waiting all of us were wondering what was taking so long. But they finally found a place on Talos called Worlds Edge. The name of the place scared me but I was ready to kick some more ass. New map or not.

I went up to my room. I had a nostalgic feeling opening the door and the smell of beef ramen filling my nose. Whenever I was bored, that's all I would eat. I tried to make myself look good for this occasion I guess you would call it. I looked at myself in the mirror but all the lights in my room started to flicker. I walked outside, seeing the rest do so.

I went to the drop area where everyone was at. They weren't reacting to it though. "So like this is normal right?" I said pointing at the lights. Renee nodded "This usually happens".

After she said that the lights when out and the ship was making creeking sounds. The drop ships doors opened and it was night out. Which is weird because it was noon when we got here. "So what are you gonna do just stand there?" a wicked voice echoed through the ship. Everyone was panicking trying to figure out what was going on. I blinked and suddenly I was on the ground. It seemed like I was on the new map. My eyes darted left and right trying to see if I could find anyone else.

My instincts went off and I quickly got off the ground and tried to find a gun. I got a Longbow off the ground and looked around in the darkness that was lit around by candles every now and then. I walked and looked at the new map on my wrist like I always would. I came up to the Train Station and heard grunting as I hid behind a supply crate. I saw the figure stand up and they looked familiar. It was Bloodhound.

"Hey Hound its me Bianca!" I called to them. They turned around and it seemed they looked relieved to see me as they let out a breath. "Good to see you. I'm not sure what happened up there but it looks like we're going to be in for a surprise" they said. I trusted them because I felt like they knew everything. Even more then Anita. Not meant to be an insult.

While we were still looking around for more loot, the same voice from before was talking to us again. This time, it was heard all over Worlds Edge "I hope you guys like my gift I've given to you. New world, new challenges. But even better this is gonna go how I like it" it said. I was shaking holding onto the Longbow I still had. I felt like this was it. I was thinking we were all gonna die.

"Alright, everyone verus each other. Im just trying to see if you guys are worth my time. Last one standing can revive all the others at the ship which is in the middle of this place. Then you'll get to meet me. Don't take all day! The rings moving non stop but slowly. So hurry!" they said, then loud thunder rolled over.

I ran away from Bloodhound, afraid they were going to kill me on sight. Even though I've "killed" them before, this time felt real. I kept running and slid behind a truck to catch my breath. I heard shooting "I guess you guys are serious about this" I said to myself. I stood up and ran towards where the shooting was coming from. The majority of everyone was at what looked like Capitol City. I found a some ammo and a scope for my Longbow and looked through it to see who was fighting.

Looked like Path, Elliot, Mokoa and Ajay were all shooting at each other. I was getting uncomfortable seeing them all fighting because I didn't want Ajay to get hurt. I didn't care if I was breaking the rules or not. I ran full speed towards where she was. I came up to a building and went inside. I went upstairs and looked out over the balcony. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I pointed my gun at the door and Anita busted the door open. I knew she followed me up here.

"Come on B lets get this over with" she said pointing her gun at me. I looked up at her as her body hovered over me, ready to shoot me any second. "Think again!" I took my flash bang out and it went white. It cleared up a few seconds later and Anita was still stunned. I shot her and jumped over the balcony. I didn't kill her because I still was scared that she was actually going to die. I ran to an underpass trying to catch my breath.

I saw a familiar skinny body looting a supply crate. "Psst!" I said quietly. Ajay turned around quickly aiming her gun every direction. "Che its me!" I whispered. I was hidden in a corner. She heard my voice and came to me "Listen, I know we're not supposed to be on the same team but if we work together we'll be the last two and I'll let you win. Whatcha think?" I tried to convince her.

"I'm still tryin to process what happened a couple of minutes ago. No, I'm not sure what'll happen if we do. If I don't see ya again, I love you.." she came down and kissed me and hugged me before shooting me in the chest.

I woke up back in the medical bay, nurses already working on my wounds. I looked up at the lights and tears ran down my face. "Am I dead?" I asked them. They shook their heads "Some guy hacked into the Apex Headquarters and everything went dark for a bit. They're still broadcasting the game down there though" one of the ladies said finishing up on me.

I got up and thanked them, still silently crying from how Ajay looked before she kissed me. I saw the rest of the legends that got eliminated "So like, supposedly some puta got into the leaders offices" Octavio said holding his arm. Everyone that was there looked at him and was in shock. I, myself, couldn't believe someone had the power to do that. They place is heavily guarded.

We felt the ship land and we went to the dropping area. The doors open and Anita was standing there "I won the game for us. Now whoever you are show yourself or else. I got a whole militia to back me up" she said as we all stepped outside the ship.

We heard laughter as a cloud of black and red smoke appeared in front of us. I recorded it on my phone, not actually worried about what was happening. "Heh look at all you skin bags. Confused as ever. This is just how I say hello. Names Revenant. Not here to be anyone's friend. But besides me, did you all have fun?" he questioned us.

Everyone, including me was silent after he introduced himself. "Hi friend!" Path said happily.  Everyone looked at him in annoyance. I swear they need to be nicer to my boy Path.

"I'm Bianca. Yeah the ones behind me are kinda bummy. Welcome to the crew" I had my hand out so he could shake it. He looked at it and walked past me. I shook my own hand turning around to where he was going. He went back on the ship and we were all still staring at him. "Looks like he knows what he's doing" Elliot said.

"Now, are guys just gonna stand there? Or are you gonna come and show me around?" He yelled at us. We looked at each other and agreed eventhough we were still skeptical about him and his actions.

The ship took off back into the sky as we were still afraid of him, not knowing what he'll do. "You guys have no connection to Hammond so I won't kill you. I'm just here to exist with the rest of you" he said looking around.

The ship landed back on Solace as me, Ajay and Elliot made our ways off. As we walked together, we all still had an unsettling feeling from what just happened.

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