New Girl

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"Next rings not close.." Bloodhound told me and Mokoa through the comms. I ran after them and caught up. We just left from Skull Town and we were heading to the Market. I've been hearing strange sounds that were underground when we were at Skull.

"Did you two hear like fighting sounds in the ground not to long ago or was that just me?" I asked them. Bloodhound shook their head. "No brotha. I think you were hearin things" Mokoa laughed. I believed the two and we continued to loot for supplies.

Taking a break, the three of us stayed in a corner of the Market and talked for a bit about what had happened the previous weeks. After that tragedy had happened, we've all been acting differently, but in a good way.

"I'm just glad that Marv is working again. Don't know what I would do without him" Mokoa said. I knew he was close to Path and supposedly he reminded him of someone he used to know. Im not sure who that is though.

We continued to talk to eachother, me and Mokoa listening to Hound as they told us stories about their childhood. Suddenly there was a huge explosion and followed by that there was rumbling. We quickly ran outside to see what it was and we saw Skull Town and Thunderdome sink down into the ocean.

"Did they plan this or..." I asked frightened. We continued to make our way over to the area where the places had sunk. "Attention. All remaining legends must evacuate the game immediately" the announcer lady said over the speakers. I was thinking this wasn't planned since she made that announcement.

All the rest of the legends that were on our side of the map came over to where we were to see what was going on. I looked down and saw the remains of Skull and Thunder in the ocean, knowing we were never going to go there ever again.

"Who the hell...why the hell? What is happening?!" Anita yelled at as she, Natalie and Tavio were finally running up to us. I shrugged my shoulders and continued to look down. Then I saw this triangle looking bracelet fly from below and land on a rock. Suddenly, a woman appeared where the bracelet was. She looked Hispanic, long hair into braided pigtails. She was built very good, but I didn't pay any attention to that.

We all stared at her, knowing she blew the place up. She finally looked up at us, staring at us individually. I waved at her and smiled, like I would do to anyone. She gave me a small smile and continued to look at us. Then she stopped to look at Revenant.

"Come to kill me little girl?" he said to her.

"Some day...but for now" she held a gun up to him. Before she could shoot it the dropship came and landed behind us.

"Tea..?" I asked myself, not knowing what happened in between them. I guess we were about to know as we all walked onto the drop ship. I stayed and waited for her to get on so I could introduce myself and start bothering her.

"What happened out there?" Elliot said making his way onto the main part of the ship. He got sent back up here before the explosion happened. "Who's that?!".

"Loba. Loba Andrade. I guess you could say I blew up your little Skull town. But I didn't mean to of course. I was only trying to get rid of more of him!" she pointed at Revenant. He laughed "Oh you. Might as well tell them why you want to kill me so bad".

She signed "When I was a child, he slaughtered my family. So I swore on my life to get rid of day" she explained. I couldn't believe what she told us. I was disgusted at Revenant, but then I couldn't be because he literally was made to do that.

Elliot looked really nervous after she told us her story "So that gives me more reasons to be afraid of him. Don't eat us". Revenant grunted at him and walked away. Loba made herself comfortable on a near by couch, sitting beside me. She continued to tell us more about herself of how she was a thief and pickpocketed her way to survive. I remember when I was younger, I used to steal candy with my brothers. But she stole clothes, money, food and mainly jewelry. Then she told us to help her with this mystery of "The Broken Ghost"

"I need some of the best people to help me. To lead us, I need you General" Loba pointed at Anita, who looked annoyed at her. "Im a Sergeant First Class. Not a General yet" she told her.

"Of course you aren't...anyways. Every squad needs a good hacker and engineer. You two will come in handy" she then pointed at Tae and Natalie.

"I didn't agree to do-" Tae was trying to talk but she cut him off "Perfect". It was like she was forcing us into this quest, plus it was at night when the prowlers come out. I hate those things. She then wanted me and Elliot with her for a distraction. I felt offended but I ignored it. Me being pretty is the distraction.

She went through all of us and told us how our abilities would help during this so called quest. I felt like she was very manipulative and didn't really care what we thought about this Broken Ghost. Eventually we would figure out who or what it was, but I was more worried about what would happen if we got hurt by the prowlers or what she could possibly do to us.

"So like...what's in it for us? How are you gonna come up here and all of a sudden want help from random people to find some Ghost?" I asked her, pissed off.

She laughed at me and put her hand on my shoulder "Don't worry Miss Jimenez. You guys will get something. Of course, I don't know what it is, but it'll be something". I thought about what she said, thinking she actually didn't know. Maybe she was doing this to avenge her family.

"Hands off. She's mine" Ajay said dusting Loba's hand off my shoulder. Loba rolled her eyes and her and walked away, to look around the ship. Anita was in the corner the room watching everywhere Loba went.

"I ain't helpin no thief. She's a criminal...I can't believe-" she was talking to herself until me and Ajay walked up to her. "What's all the talk about?" Ajay asked her. Anita looked nervous again "Don't worry about it. Just know she's very suspicious and I ain't helpin her". She walked away then looked back at me. She scratched the back of her head and continued to walk to where she was going.

She still hasn't told me what she was supposed to tell me that night and she's been acting strange ever since.

Ajay walked me back the place where her and I first talked to eachother. The big window and small staircase that lead down to it. The sun was just about to set over a mountain in the distance and we could see Kings Canyon in the distance as well. I've never seen anything so pretty, except for Ajay, as I was still looking at all the details outside.

"Whatcha thinkin about" Ajay asked me while petting my face. I looked at her then back outside.

"Ajay...even though some pretty horrific things have happened to us recently and a while ago, Im actually happy to be with you guys. I know I've had some problems with you guys but in the end it turns around for us. If I was never here, God knows how boring the games would have been am I right? And I'm not trying to say that I'm happy my moms dead, but I'm glad that she can finally rest knowing that I'm in very good hands, with the 12- I mean I guess 13 of you. I mean I don't really know what else I can say but know that I have so much love for you guys except Rev and I dont know about Loba" when I finished I was surprised at how much I said.

She smiled and kissed me. I looked into her eyes and she looked back "I know you always got a lot of things on ya mind and so much to say. We're still young and have plenty to experience in these games and at life too. Jus know dat...I love you Bianca" she kissed me again, this time on the cheek.

I put my arm around her and she rested her head on my shoulder "Love you too Che".

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