Uh Oh's

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I woke up rubbing my eyes and yawning. I looked beside me and saw Ajay still laying beside me. I really can't believe what happened last night. The scene kept playing inside my head as I was smiling ear to ear. I heard Ajay wake up as she looked up at me. "Good mornin" she said in a sleepy voice. I looked out her window and the sun was about to rise above a mountain on a planet we were on. "I guess I woke up before the alarm went off" she said getting dressed. I laid in her bed watching her. She threw my shirt at me and told me to leave before we get caught.

I hopped out her bed and started towards her door before someone started knocking on the door. I froze not knowing what to do. Ajay pulled me into her bathroom, then walking over to open the door "Yes?". "Is everything ok in here?" it was Anita talking to her. I could hear her footsteps walking around in the room moving things around. Then I heard her leave. After she did Ajay took me out the bathroom. "Yeah. It be no good if she found ya in here" she said. I wanted to say something smart like "That's good that they heard us" but I decided to keep it to myself. Before I finally left, she kissed me on the cheek.

My heart fluttered like a butterfly. As I came up to my room, there was a note on my door. "Don't think you can play dumb with me". There was no name on it so I ignored it, balled it up and threw it over my shoulder. I went inside my room to find some presentable clothes. I made my way into the lounge area and sat beside Elliot as he played a video game.

"Ahem." I heard behind me. I looked and saw Anita standing over me with her arms crossed. "You really think you're slick huh?" I looked at her in a confused way and shook my head. "Don't play dumb with me. Everyone knows what you two did last night" she raised her voice at me. At this point, everyone in the room was looking onto the commotion.

I saw Ajay walk in "What's all the yellin about". "You two must think I was born yesterday. What we do is fight down at Kings almost every day to gain our popularity, get cash or just to have fun. Not here to have sex, and kiss all on each other! I don't know what drugs you're on Bianca, but if you keep this up, you're outta here". Anita threatened me.

Everyone was silent as they looked at the three of us. "Please don't do that" Elliot said trying to help. "Yanca is very good and we need her" I looked over at him and gave hime a small smile. Me, being myself, was trying to be funny. "I really don't know what you're talking about. Nothing happened last night" I smirked. Those words made Anita furious and she punched me in the side of my face.

Octavio and Mokoa ran over to her to hold her away from me, walking her out the room. I quickly got up holding my face. I started towards her but Elliot held me away from her, walking me towards the other side of the room. "H-Hey you're okay. This...happens. She cools down and eventually you guys will apologize and everything will be back to normal" he said trying to help my anger go away.

I saw Ajay with her hand over her mouth crying as she quickly ran out the room. I heard her cries echoing down the hall. This mad me feel horrible as I collapsed to the ground, holding my stomach. I threw up on the ground and crawled away from Elliot, who was still trying to help me. "I know exactly what I need to do" I said under my breath. I got back up and pushed Elliot out the way. I stormed my way to my room, seeing out the corner of my eye Mokoa and Octavio trying to calm Anita down. "Arg! Let me at her! I can't stand you, you're so damn ignorant!" she yelled at me.

I held back my tears as I walked in my room sitting on my bed. I packed all my stuff together back in my bag and waited for the ship to land back at Solace, where it always lands. As I sat on my bed, so many thoughts went through my head. I whinced at the pain still coming from my cheek. Once I heard the announcer "Now arriving at Solace City. Careful when stepping off" I made my way to get off.

I saw Elliot coming up to me holding my shoulder for me not to leave. I looked at him and shook my head. "I promise this will get better, don't leave." he said faintly. "I just need, a break" I took his hand off my shoulder and walked off the ship. As I was getting closer to the forest, I looked back and still saw him standing at the entrance. He turned back and walked away. I took a very deep breath and made my way back to the house. I could have sworn I was in the right place when I smelled smoke and looked in front of me to see the house that I grew up in, freshly burnt from fire.

"Maybe they think we're dead" I said to myself walking back into the city. I went the clothing store I used to work at that was close by and asked the lady behind the counter why it was burnt down since everyone knew who me and my mom were.

"Oh. They just left the sign on the door. And the newspaper guy noticed how no one was taking the paper like always. So they just looked around for them and gave em up for lost" she told me. I perked up. "So y'all think I'm dead?" she heard me and looked at my face. "Omg you're Bianca! Where's your mom?" I looked down "I left here because she died in an accident and she really wanted me to join the Apex Games. So...I did". The lady behind the counter shook her head in silence.

I told her I had to get back, as I was only staying here for a few minutes. I walked out the store and I still saw the ship, the door still open. I walked over to a building and sat against in and started crying my eyes out. I had no idea was I was crying so hard. I feel like I just ruined my career in becoming an Apex Legend. I feel like if I just didn't go back to that ship, they would be better off and forget I ever was there.

I heard a familiar beeping sound. I saw a blue hue, as whatever it was, went around the corner of the building. I ignored it and heard a familiar voice. Suddenly I got slammed on the ground into a hug. Ajay was on top of me, squeezing me tightly as she was crying. "Why are ya abandonin us? Ya can't leave us!" she cried, her voice muffled because her face was in my chest.

I was breathing hard through my mouth as I stood up with her. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. "Ya not gonna leave me are you..?" she said still holding onto me. I couldn't stand the way she was looking at me. It made me feel horrible. I wanted this chick happy. "No. I'm not gonna leave. Ima stay" I said. She got happy immediately and kissed my lips. I kissed her back and caressed her for a while. Doc was bumping into my leg. She looked excited at what I said.

"I think we needa go back to da ship. Don't want dem leavin us" Ajay said holding my hand, making our way back to the ship. As we got closer, my heart was pounding as I remembered how pissed Antia was at me, and if she saw me, she'll kill me. I tightened my grip on Ajay's hand. "Don't worry love, I got you".

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