The "Interview"

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After I finished eating my last the noodle I had in my cup, producer of the show queued us to get ready and come on stage. I was so excited to see all my fans that I didn't know I had. As we made our way on stage, everyone in the audience was cheering for us and the host, Kuben Blisk, who was the boss of the games. He mae me sit in a special chair.

"I love you Octavio!" I heard some fan girl scream from the audience. "Love you too!" he yelled back. I rolled my eyes, still jealous about how popular he was.

Suddenly, the lights dimmed and stage lights shone on us. "Alright lets get this show started shall we?" Blisk said out loud, then he looked back at me "Miss Bianca Jimenez...after all this time we can finally give you proper introduction. How do you feel?". I looked at him in awe and blicked a couple of times "I feel famous..." my eyes driffed off into the croud and around the place we were in. Everyone cheered at what I said for some reason.

Blisk patted me on the back and sat in his chair beside me. He looked at me and chuckled to himself. "So before we know more about this lovely lady right here, Bianca. I just wanna honor you with this" he gave me a plaque with my name on it. "No one had ever dared or even tried to do what you do. I hereby say that you're officially, after all this time, an Apex Legend". Everyone cheered and clapped for me as I held the plaque to my chest.

"Now, Bianca, tell us all where you came from. You just popped outta no where, how was your childhood?" he looked at me and it made me feel uncomfortable. He sorta smiled at me after he asked me. It was like he knew everything already about me. I looked at the legends sitting on the other side of me and they looked back worried. Pathfinder had a sad face on his screen.

"I'd rather not explain. Only people to know are these 12 people here". Blisk looked concerned and shook his head "Nah come on B, just tell us. We gotta get through the rest of your friends here". I started breathing fast, nervous thinking something bad was going to happen if I didn't tell him.

"She doesn't have to tell you anything okay?" I heard Anita speak up. "Yeah! Don't push her into telling you!" Elliot added. I looked over to them, surprised at how they were standing up for me. The audience gasped and Blisked looked at Elliot and Anita in disgust. He signaled for a commercial break for people watching on the TV.

"Listen here. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. If you wanna make it difficult, then we can just pretend like these games never existed and I'll have you all killed" he said, walking over to them. Everyone in the audience gasped once again and start throwing stuff at him and cursing. I sunk back in my chair and started fidgeting. I looked at Ajay who was sitting beside me. She was holding Doc close to her. I could tell she was on the verge to start crying at what Blisk said. My emotions changed from scared to straight furious.

Blisk told the audience if they didn't like what was happening they could leave. Of course the majority of everyone left. Some did stay just to see what would happen. He sat back in his chair "Go ahead and tell us where you came from or no more games for you sis.." he whispered in my ear as I cringed at his breath touching my neck. I looked at him "Fine. I had 10 siblings and my parents hated me so much, they kicked me out! This lady came and took me in and she raised me until she died in a horrible accident. Happy?" I said tears coming down my face.

He smiled "See that was easy huh? Now Natalie, is there any way you could make the ring-". "Im outta here!" I cut him off and stormed off the stage we were on. The audience that was left clapped for us, clearly tired of Blisk's bs.The rest of the legends followed me as we walked away back to the limo that was still parked outside the headquarters. "Hey. Kuben is a dick!" someone from the crowd that was still standing outside said. "Yeah! He could su- I mean..uh never mind" Elliot said back at them.

We got into the limousine and drove off. It was very quiet in there. I looked at everyone and they all looked depressed. "So um, can you tell me more about him?" I asked hoping someone would answer. Ajay looked at me "He jus doin dis for money. He don't really care about us. Jus da cash. And den we get whateva is left" she said sadly. I lifted her head up and hugged her. She smiled at me hugging me back. "Yeah, eventhough we all did this voluntarily. It doesn't really mean anything in the end" Anita said with her head hanging.

"That's messed up. We're the ones that everyone watches and cheers for! No one gives a damn or knows about the peoole that run it!" I said hitting the side of the limo, leaving a dent. The limo driver looked back and us and sighed in relief "We're here!" we were back at the drop ship.

Once outside he quickly drove off. Everyone's phones went off. "Looks like someones getting in trouble!" Octavio said happily, laughing. There were a lot of news postings about what just happened. It was talking about how Blisk was going to get suspended for a while after what he said to us. I Iaughed at what I was seeing but this laugh was no ordinary laugh. It was wicked feeling.

I heard Revenant laugh too. "Looks like we can both create a massacre together". Even though I don't really like him, I agreed. "Come on now, ya not like dat. What ya think ya mom would say?" Ajay said. I looked down at her and frowned. "Let's just go home" I had my hand out so she could hold it and she did. "Bianca, we'll think off something. Promise?" Anita said walking up to us. I nodded and we did our little handshake we made up.

When me and Ajay got back home, she made her way straight to our bedroom. I got a snack out the fridge and followed her. She seemed mad, which I thought was cute. "What's up with you?" I stood over her in the bed, eating the pickles I took out the fridge. "Also get off my side of the bed". She rolled over and looked at me "If I don't, whatcha gon do" she teased.

"Its like that huh?" I put my pickles down on the nightstand. I went to the bathroom to change. I came out with a strap around my waist. Ajay looked at me "Oh please don't, but do" she teased as I jumped on the bed ripping what was left of the clothes she had on.

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