For Her

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This part talks about depression and other sensitive topics. If you can't take that you can skippy :)

I swear I was about to piss myself as we walked into the ship. I knew as soon as Anita saw me, I was probably dead. "Hey, look who's back!" Ajay called and everyone, except Anita of course, came from different corners of the ship and hugged me. I almost cried cause I didn't think these people cared so much about me. Elliot was the last one left to hug me. He wouldn't let go as I was trying to walk away. "Okay you can stop now" I said petting his head. As he backed away from me, he was jumping up and down like a kid. "I knew you weren't gonna leave!"

From a distance I could see her staring at me. Anita was death staring at me as she was drinking some alcoholic drink. I've never been so scared in my life. I risked my life walking up to the table she was sitting at. I wanted to make up cause why not. I sat in front of her as she still stared me down, pouring more of whatever it was she was drinking in her cup. "Okay, I know I was being prick earlier towards you. I didn't want to embarrass myself but obviously that made the situation worse....cause you hit me but I'm not trippin" I said proudly with my hands on my hips.

She closed the drink up and still was staring at me. Finally she decided to say something "Yeah. I went a little over board...I'm just care so much about everyone's performance here. So that's why I got mad at you" she started to tear up. She drank her last drop of her drink as she balled her fist. I got scared and slowly stood up nervously smiling slowly backing away. "All I have to do in this bitch is drink my sorrows and depression away!" she got up and started towards me. I panicked and started running away from her.

Makoa was running after her but she was faster than him as she was about to grab my neck. "Come here!" her voice right behind me. Octavio caught up to her and tackled her to the ground trying to calm her down. I stopped and turned around as I saw her crying into his arms. I walked up to them. I remembered when I first met her, how she told me about how she saw one of her brothers died right in front of her. I felt her pain since I lost my mother too, relating to her. I slowly hugged her as she continued to cry.

"I'm sorry. If you need someone to talk to you can talk to me" I said as I stood her up. She wiped her tears off her face and let go of my hands. "Don't worry about it. I can take care of myself" she walked away from me as she disappeared down the hall to her room. I heard footsteps and saw the girls. "There you are! Are you okay?" Natalie said coming up to me "Why'd she snap like that?". I nodded "Well she was drinking for one. So I guess she's drunk. But she was crying and I feel bad for her. I hope she doesn't do any bad to herself" I said looking down the hallway.

The three of the agreed as we walked to the lounge to chill. As we got there I saw Octavio and Elliot playing the game. I found a table for the four of us to sit at. "So why is Anita so like...her?" I asked them not knowing how to describe her. Ajay looked at me "Im not sure. I know she's had a very rough past bless ha heart. She's very energetic and cheerful when we fight at Kings, but when we get back up here she's immediately depressed and starts to become very bossy" she said.

"We try to help her but she always refuses. The voices in my head tell me that she hurts herself and myself try to help desperately because I've done it myself to. She just snaps at me telling me to mind my business" Renee said to us, with her head in her hands. "However she's changed in a good way since you came around". I raised my eyebrow "Oh?". Natalie finally decided to say something "Yes she has! She's hasn't been sitting by herself anymore and she's not as rude as she was to us".

I was kinda happy when she said that. I looked back over to Renee "So what are your voices telling you about her now" I asked worryingly. She shook her head "Nothing. I'm not near her nor have made contact with each other. They usually start going off when I'm in my room since our rooms are right beside each other" she said closing her eyes, trying to listen to them.

I signed as they continued to tell me more about Anita. I zoned out and started thinking about my mom. She heavily reminded me of my mom. They're the same age, the same height and almost the same attitude. I smiled at what I was thinking off. "What ya thinkin bout" Ajay asked me as she lifted my head up. "My mom and Anita are about the same person. It makes me happy. So she should be happy too" I said as I got up from the table.

I waved goodbye at them and went to my room and found some paper and a pen. I wrote a note that said how much I appreciated Anita when she helped me to get in shaped before my first game and how she wanted me to do better with myself. I continued to write what else came to my mind about her and folded it. I looked around my room to find somethimg else to give to her. I got a cup of ramen noodles that Ajay gave to me. Did I mention ever since she introduced me to ramen, I've eaten at least 5 cups of it a day. Twas the best thing I've ever eaten. But that's beside the point.

I walked outside to find her room. I put my ear on her door and heard snoring. I sighed in relief as I put the stuff along with the note beside her door. I stood there making sure everything was there and walked to Ajay's room to say goodnight to her. I told her about what I did. She smiled "Im glad ya did dat. No one here has had the guts to do dat". I looked down at her as we had our fingers interlocked, holding hands. I looked at her in the eyes as so much stuff went through my head. "You uh....I um.." I was nervous to ask her out for this whole time we've been flirting and talking. "What is it darlin" she giggled at me. My heart was beating fast as I told myself that I should do it. "You wanna go out with me" I said quickly, my face hot. She laughed at me "Yes, why not".

I was so happy I pecked her on the lips and darted out the door saying goodnight. I went to my room and jumped in my bed. I hugged my pillow and looked at the ceiling grinning ear. To be honest I was too happy.

This part might've sucked but I wanted to do this over Anita (Bangalore) because I couldn't imagine loosing a family member like she did. Hope it still turned out good :)

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