Settling In

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I woke up to a dark cloudy sky, soaking wet from the rain that was pouring all day. I was still outside among the rubble from the tower that fell over. My mother was still right beside me, her lifeless body was still limp. I thought I was dreaming. I wasn't. I picked her body up, the way soldiers would carry the wounded, and started walking towards a waterfall that was close by. I laid her on the ground and found a small tree branch and started to dig her a grave. I found more sticks and made some sort of cross so I know where she'll be if I ever get a chance to see her again.

Before I buried her, I took her knife out her pocket and took off her shark tooth necklace. She would wear it everywhere she went for good luck. "Hopefully this'll give me some luck too" I said to myself putting it over my head. I continued what I was doing and stuck the cross in the ground above the grave I dug. I stayed there for a minute and looked over it before walking back to the house.

When I got home, I got a bag and shoved everything I could possibly shove in it because I wasn't planning on coming back. I went to a box my mom kept all her secret stuff in, so I decided to open it. "I hope I don't find what I'm thinking off in here" I said, then after moving some papers out the way I saw a purple hue coming from the bottom of the box. It was vibrating a bit and I closed my eyes hoping it wasn't what I was thinking. I picked up a big sledgehammer. It had to be at least 30 pounds, but it wasn't as heavy to me.

"Only use it when you need too" a paper around it said. It was in my mom's handwriting. I carefully hooked it to my backpack and started to head out the house. I locked the door to the house and put up a sign that said "On a hike. Be back soon". I made this sign one day as a gift for my mom when she was sick. I looked down on my childhood abode and started to head for the city.

As I was walking deeper into the city, I felt the hammer vibrate some more. I looked at it and it glowed purple again then stopped. Then I looked up from it and saw a bar and decided to go inside and see what it was about. As I stepped in the strong smell of alcohol and the bathroom slapped me in the face. I looked around and saw some people playing pool and other eating at the tables that were around the place. I walked up to the bar table and saw a couple of MRVNS cleaning glasses and serving people.

"Well hello there!" I got startled as a guy with a black beard walked up to me. I waved back "Hi I'm Bianca" I said softly letting my hand out for him to shake. He grabbed it and shook it real hard.  "Yanca...okay I'll remember that. Names Elliot. Elliot Witt. What can I get you to drink?" he asked pulling a glass from underneath the bar table. "I just want water. I'm kinda thirsty" I said as I watch him quickly pour it into the glass in front of me.

I took a couple of sips and suddenly remembered why I left the house in the first place. "So do you know anything about the Apex games? I'm trying to play in them but don't know where to start" He darted his head towards me. He jumped over the table and looked at me. "Well..what you're looking at right now is a over one hundred time champion in the arena himself. That's kinda exaggerated though" he said proudly. I looked at him confused "Yeah one hundred is a big number".

Elliot started to push people out his bar as I was guessing he was about to close it early. "Here we go again with this crap" I heard someone say as he pushed them out. He told all the MRVNS to clean the place up as he directed me outside. I followed him. "So to be an amazing successful legend like me, you gotta have this thing called an ultimate. You also gotta have a tactical. And a passive" he said thinking. I sucked on my bottom lip trying to process what he just said. He showed me what each of those things he said does. He had theses decoy things that I guess would distract opponents. And then there was this thing where he would cloak himself. It left me in the middle of like 6 of him. I was kinda terrified but they all disappeared and his actual self was standing on top of a garbage bin.

He jumped off as I took my bag off and showed him that sledgehammer that I found. "I'm not all that sure what this does" I said. "Try it out. It looks cool and purple" he said scratching his chin. Without thinking I felt as if I already knew what to do with it. It had a leather loop at the end of it that I grabbed and started to twirl it. As it went around and around, the purple hue got brighter and brighter. I could hear the vibration from the hammer. I spun it around my head and Elliot watched in amazement. Then, I threw it into the ground. It made the whole area shake and I couldn't hear anything. It stopped a few seconds later.

I took a couple of deep breaths and looked at Elliot. "Wow you're really good at that!" he exclaimed "You look like you could be really good at the games. I hope you have everything cause you're about to live on that ship with me" he said walking over to this big grey, red and white airplane looking thing. Its drop ship like doors were open as we climbed onto it. He opened a door for me as we walked into what looked like a main room where everyone could relax at.

"Hey everyone! Look at who I just met in the bar!" he announced at everyone. Immediately, I felt everyone's stares burning onto me. All of a sudden this skinny Hispanic guy came up to me and shook my hand. "Names Octavio. Or as everyone calls me, the Octrain!" he said behind his mask and goggles he wore. "No one calls you that" I heard someone say as they walked up to me as well. "Im Renee. They call me Wraith in the arena." she said calmly. Her looks scared me but I could tell she was just as regular as everyone else was. I smiled back at her and shook her hand as well.

Octavio showed me to the cafeteria they had there. "Hey Mokoa, we have a guest and she looks like she could use some food". A big thick guy came from out of a kitchen that was in the back with a tray full of foods I've never seen before. "What's up brotha. Yes, my you weren't lyin. She needs all the love she can get from this home cooking" he said putting a plate of food in front of me. Before I tried the food, I looked around the cafeteria and saw a black woman in the distance staring at me. Once we made eye contact she looked away and made some sort of grimace on her face. "So who's that?" I said making a gesture at Elliot. "Oh that's Anita. Don't worry about her. She's times. You'll get used to her" he said looking back at the food.

All the legends came over and introduced themselves to me as well as I. They were very interested in knowing where I came from. I told them and they all felt bad for me. As I was just about done, right out the corner of my eye I saw someone with pink hair. I didn't pay much attention to it until I looked up again and saw the goddess of beauty right before me. "Man you guys, who is that...?"

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