Mama D

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The year is 2715, the year The Frontier War ended. Dion's POV, 22 at the time. She's of Hispanic descent but barley speaks Spanish.

I woke up to knocking on my door. I walked down my stairs to the door and opened it seeing yet again another rolled up newspaper they give to me everyday. I sighed and picked it up and threw it in a pile of a hundred other papers I got from previous days.

"I think this weekend calls for another 40 mile hike around this place" I said to myself and I started packing some things in my bag I bring with me when i go hiking.

I love doing this every now and then. Everyone that lives in Angel City calls me the "nature lady". Or maybe "tree girl". I really don't know but they started calling me that after I told them about how my parents got horrifically killed by some IMC soldiers that were trying to look for girls and boys to take for the war they were having against the Militia at the time. My parents hid me, after failing to find me in the house, knowing i was in there somewhere, they killed them anyway. They looked for a few more minuets and they didn't find me. After the war I decided to be one with nature and take time to take in my beautiful planet that I live on. Even though it was a mess out there from it.

After making sure that I had everything packed, I walked out my house and locked the door behind me. I grabbed my hiking stick from outside and started off on this 3 day journey around the mountains far from where I lived. I always end up stealing some eggs from birds in the trees or just eating the bird myself cause why not. I knew about every animal in the forest and if they're poisonous or not.

I woke up on the 3rd day of the trip and gathered all my crap that I tugged along with me. I set off again and rolled down the same hill I always did when I was younger. I walked under a cave and was about to take a break when I heard crying near me. I quickly got up and took out a knife that I had on me.

"Hello?" i called out as my voice echoed. I looked around some more. I got pissed off when i didn't hear an answer cause technically whoever it was, was on my property. "I know damn well you-"

"I'm right here.." i heard a soft little voice say. I pushed some grass out the way and saw this young black girl sitting by herself.

"What are you doing here?" i asked her putting my knife away.

She stood up, pulled her pants up and dusted herself off. "Um I was chasing this dog that I always chase everyday and he left me in here and I don't know where to go" she started crying again into her hands.

I got on one knee and grabbed her chin and looked at her face. "Do you have any parents?" I asked wiping the tears off her cheek.

"I don't know.." she said looking at the ground. "I think I got kicked out or something. They don't want me in the house cause I talked to much" she said thinking real hard.

I was shocked at what she said because she literally is a kid. What else could they possible do? "How old are you and what's your name" I asked. She held my hand and looked up at me "Almost 8 and a half. And its just Bianca. Don't know my last name".

I shook my head and and picked her up and started walking to my house, which was close by. "Well you're gonna stay with me from now on. And your last name is Bakaar" I said smiling at her. Her face beamed with happiness as she hugged me.

We arrived at my house and I put her back on the ground. She told me her whole life story and more all the way back. I was happy that she was very talkative because it didn't seem like she cared about what happened to her. I went to my fridge and got some ingredients to make a bean and cheese burrito for her since she told me she was hungry. After it was done I gave it to her and she scuffed it down.

"How long as it been since you ate B?" I asked her looking astonished. "I really don't know. I'm just hungry"

"I really don't know" has been what's coming out of her mouth every other question I ask. Maybe she actually doesn't know. I didn't question it that much though.

I went around the house looking for a bed for her as I started to see her drooping her head back and forth. Quickly, she woke up "Hey, can I sleep here?" she said hopping onto my bed. "Oh well that's kinda my-" she traveled her way through my covers and found my pillow and quickly went to sleep. "Okay then.." I shrugged my shoulders making my way down to the living room and sat on the couch "I guess the living room is my perma bedroom"

I heard footsteps coming from the stairs and I looked up and saw Bianca coming down with one of my blankets. "Actually... I wanna sleep with you" she said hiding her face with the blanket. I smiled and scooted over for her.

"Whatcha watching?" she asked pointing at the TV. "Oh y'know reality TV...what do you watch?

"Um, I really don't know" she said shyly. I chuckled at her "Its okay baby, its okay".

Everyday I'd watch Bianca as she was very much of a rough house kid as she grew up to be a teenager. I took her to hike and walk with me into the city and she was very outgoing with literary anyone she came across. She got herself a job at a retail store that sold designer clothing at a cheaper price, made some friends at the near by high school, which wasn't really near by. But still, I loved her very much. I taught her how to be a respectable woman as she became a young adult.

One day while scrolling through my phone I saw a news ad about this thing called the Apex Games. Different pictures and videos were shown of people fighting to the death to be the last one standing on different maps across the Outlands. I was familiar with those areas around the Frontier. I looked over at Bianca taking pictures of herself on her phone, knowing these types of games would sound fun to her.

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