Once apon a Time

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I was sitting alone in the cafeteria. It smelled good in there since Mokoa was making dinner for us. I had my head in my hand and everyone started pouring in through the doors. I looked up and saw the girls sit with me, Anita sitting on one side and Renee on the other.

"Hey now. Never seen you this quiet before" Anita said pushing me a bit. I was still looking down at the table. I was embarrassed at myself. And I also embarrassed myself down there. It really didn't feel right.

I closed my eyes then suddenly, so much went through my head. "Oh my god I have to tell you guys something!" I perked up, banging on the table. Everyone looked over at me at listened to what I had to say...

"Alright, ready or not here I come" I heard my brother Bobby yell out to us. I was playing hide and seek with my brothers. Beau, 28, Bobby, 17, and Bryron, 16, my three oldest brothers and Billy, 7, and Bailey, 6, my younger ones. Beau didn't want to play though. He thought he was too old for us.

Me and Billy hid in the same spot but I didn't like it cause he always copies me. "Yeah okay, this is too easy. I found both of you" Bobby said grabbing us by the arms. He picked us both up. "You're a cheater!" I said, trying to make him put me down.

"Alright, enough of hide and seek. Lets play some soccer" Beau said grabbing a soccer ball off the ground. We went to our makeshift soccer field and spilt up into teams. We played for hours until we heard or mom call us for dinner. Everyone groaned as we made our way back home.

"Tonight for dinner, chicken curry and rice" my dad said serving us. He served my sisters first. Starting with Berenice who was 3, Brooke, 14, Bella, 20, Bethany 22, and then Brianna, 26. And then me. Im almost 8 and a half. Yes we had a big family. And big family calls for eating the same crap everyday.

"Can we stop eating this stuff all the time?" I complained. My mom looked at me in disgust "If you wanna act like that, go outside and eat with the dogs, since you are one. Now!". All my siblings were sick and tired of how my parents treated me. I was their least favorite because I didn't act like a girl. If that's even a thing.

I grabbed my plate and went outside to Buddy and Buster, our two Great Danes. Bobby and Beau came outside with me. "Gee that's like the third time this week" Bobby said shaking his head. I slowly ate my food. At this point, I was used to this. Since they didn't like me hanging out with my brothers, they made me sleep outside sometime. My siblings all protested against it and slept outside with me.

The next evening me and my brothers were outside. They all were talking about girls, even my little brothers. "Y'all, yesterday coming back from the convenience store, I saw this pretty girl. She's was the prettiest thing. I could stare at her all day" Bobby said eating a candy bar.

"Staring isn't always good though" I added, speaking up. Beau agreed with me "Yeah. There's a difference between liking someone and just being a pervert". Bobby shrugged his shoulders at what Beau had to say. The rest of my brothers laughed at him. We heard our mom scream our names to come in the house. This time, she didn't sound happy at all.

We all rushed into the house and my sisters were looking at me worried. "Alright miss. Finally, as a family, we decided its time for you to pack your bags and get. I birthed you to be a woman, not a man! Im tired of you acting, dressing and playing with the boys. And I sure am not allowing you to live under my roof to like women either!" my mom yelled at me.

"Um, I'm sorry but none of us agreed on anything" my oldest sister Bri said. The rest of the eldest siblings agreed with her. "You're gonna kick an 8 year old out the house for that? You're going to jail!" Bobby screamed, rushing over to the phone. My mom lunged at him. All of a sudden, my older siblings went after my dad trying to get him to stay away from the closet that had the gun in it.

I started freaking out and ran up stairs to my parents room. I got a bag and stole my moms ring, my dad's golden chain and some money that was in a safe that I remembered the code too. I heard screaming and grunting as I went to look down the stairs. Bri and Beth were trying to hold my dad from shooting at one of my brothers. He shook them of and shot at Bobby who was still trying to get to the phone.

"Bobby..!" I cried to myself quietly. I backed up back inside my parents room and jumped out their window. When I hit the ground, I looked through a window leading to the living room. I saw Beau. He made eye contact with me after he hit dad against his head with the butt of the gun.

I ran away from the house but before I could get any further I heard my name being called.

"Beau?!" I looked back at my older brother running out the house towards me. I was scared for my life, my legs were shaking and I couldn't move.

My brother came up to me "Bianca you gotta go. Buster will protect you I promise" he said to me with tears in his eyes petting our Great Dane. I've never seen him cry before. "What if I die Beau?!" I yelled at him.

He hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead "You won't. You hung out with us. You're tough. Buster will protect you". He petted him again.

"Beau! You better get yo ass in here!" I heard my dad call to him. "Bianca go now! Run, and don't stop!" I heard his voice echoed as I was running.

Once I ended my story to the legends, I wanted to cry so bad but nothing came out. "Jesus...there's no way they could have done that to you" Anita said, looking at me in a worried way.

"Out of all the stories I've heard from us, that has to be the worst" I heard Natalie say over my shoulder, as she was wiping tears from her face. My emotions quickly changed, as I stood up from the table. Everyone was still staring at me like I had a problem. I knew that everything I told them had probably just changed their whole perspective of me.

"We should start respecting each other more" Elloit said quietly. Everyone was surprised at what he said. "Yes I know. Crazy to come outta my mouth right? But we've all lost parents, siblings, loved ones...we fight, we argue, sometimes we don't like looking at each other. We can't be at each others necks like this. You know we're one big family from different parts of the Frontier. I really care about you guys" he said getting lost in his words.

"Wow. I can't miss out on a man with a way with words" Renee said hugging him. I smiled at them hugged each other. Mokoa came up behind them and hugged them both, picking them up "Group hug anyone?" he said.

"No" everyone said at different times. I frowned at them. "Right.." I said under my breath. I looked over at Ajay as she was laughing at Mokoa still holding Elliot and Renee up. I sat beside her. She turned around in her seat and looked me in the eyes.

"Im sorry I acted the way I did tonight. Will ya forgive me?" she said with puppy dog eyes, grabbing my face with her hand, squeezing my cheeks. I put my elbow on the table with my head in my hand. I smiled at the way she was looking "Yes Che, I do. Why wouldn't I?" She hugged me gently, as I looked on at the legends. I was greatful to be here.

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