Its a Start

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"Who is that...?" I said as my head and eyes followed everywhere she went until she came over to the table we all sat at. She laughed at me "My names Ajay Che". Her accent and the way she talked made my heart race. I could tell that she noticed how I was staring at her that whole time so I tried hard not to stare back. But the extrovert in me wanted to speak out. Before I got to say anything, Anita came up to the table.

"So I'm not invited to this party?" she huffed. Her voice was deep and I knew she wasn't to play with. Natalie scooted over for her to sit down. This made it to where she sat in front of me. "So I over heard what was said about you...losing family members is something we mostly all have in common" she said with her head hanging. "I lost one of my brothers in an accident..". Natalie comforted her as she tried not to cry.

I just looked at her blankly. "Sorry, at least we all have something in common and we can always talk about it with each other and go to therapy. Like in all seriousness" I said trying to lighten the situation. Elliot looked at me "Oh yeah, sounds like a good idea. Don't think any therapist are anywhere near us though". Everyone agreed with me about the talking sessions.

"Alright. The ships about to take off. I suggest everyone get a good nights sleep. Up and at em for training" Anita said getting up from the table "New come with me" she said pointing at me. I quickly got up and followed her as she took me to a dorm looking room. "This'll be your home from now on. Decorate it however you want. Get some rest and we'll see you in the morning" she gave me a key card for the room. I told her good night as she walked back down the hallway. As I was opening the door, I heard footsteps and looked over and saw Ajay again. She was looking out this big window that lead outside. This time she had this little floating drone. Every now and then it would make beeping sounds.

"Why not shoot my shot" I said to myself as I walked over to her. She heard me coming as she turned around to see who it was. I leaned up against the stair railing and smiled at her "Hello again, the night sky is pretty isn't it?" I asked sorta panicking. She nodded as she sat on her drone and it floated over to me. "Hm, yes it is. It do be looking real nice out" she said look me up and down. I started sweating not knowing what else to say. "So who's this?" I asked her pointing at the drone. "Ah yes. Her name be D.O.C. Durin the fights we be havin every otha day, wheneva my teammate is injured, she comes to the rescue, givin dem sum heath. Its jus what she do". she said petting her head. "Ah I see" I nodded even though I wasn't listening. I was too busy looking at her and just thinking about stuff I would do to her that would be forbidden if I tried it now.

She looked up at me and snapped her fingers "You awake in there?" she chuckled as I came back to reality, "Yeah, yeah, sorry. I think I'm just sleepy. I'll see you tomorrow" I said smiling and waving to her. She waved back and went an opposite direction to her room. I finally got to see inside my so called room. It was pretty basic. I threw my backpack I still had on against the wall and undressed into some shorts and I took my shirt off and kept my sports bra on. I laid in the bed and went through my bag to find a digital recording of one of my moms recipes. She was making sopapillas. I watched the video and smiled at the childish way she made them. After watching a couple of the videos I finally decided to go to sleep.

An alarm went off as I quickly sat up in bed. The daytime light shone through the blinds in through my window. I heard people outside my door running. Then suddenly someone was banging on my door. "Open up!" It got louder as I quickly walked over to it and opened it. "What are you doing half naked? Put some clothes on and lets go" It was Anita. I stared at her for a bit then she slammed my door closed. "You better be out here in 5" I heard her walk away. "Right. I'll be out there in 2" I stayed quiet for a second cause I felt like she could hear everything.

I walked outside the room pulling my pants up. I followed where I heard everyone talking to a big and open training area. "I said be out here in 5" Anita said as she looked at me coming down some stairs. "It took me like 2 minutes to get ready though" I was confused. She looked at me directly in the eyes "No I meant 5 seconds" she turned around to the others as they were doing their thing. "Right.." I said under my breath.

I stood there watching everyone shooting guns and throwing explosives. I walked up to Anita "So where exactly do I get a gun from" I asked tapping her shoulder. She looked at me "Oh yeah. Almost forgot about you. You come with me to the gym cause you need some work". I got pissed off when she said this. "Come on really? I know how to shoot a gun" I crossed my arms. She raised her eyebrow. "I know what I'm talking about when I said YOU NEED SOME WORK!" she raised her voice at me and everyone stopped what they were doing. I nodded and reacted quickly " me where the gym is again" I said nervously.

She rolled her eyes and started off to the gym. "Good luck with her!" I heard Elliot say as I followed behind her. As we walked in, I looked around and was amazed at all the crap in here. "Go ahead and hit that treadmill" she pointed to the direction of where it was. I quickly went over there and turned it on. I had it on the lowest speed possible. She walked over to me and started pressing the up button. "Come on now. This is some FNG bullshit. This'll help you run faster". I ran along with the tread trying to hold onto the safety bars. She saw me struggling as she pulled the emergency stop. I stepped off the tread and had my hands on my knees, catching my breath.

"You'll get used to it" she said leading me to another workout machine.

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