Tired of It

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"Beau?!" I looked back at my older brother running out the house towards me. I was scared for my life, my legs were shaking and I couldn't move.

My brother came up to me "Bianca you gotta go. Buster will protect you I promise" he said to me with tears in his eyes petting our Great Dane. I've never seen him cry before. "What if I die Beau?!" I yelled at him.

He hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead "You won't. You hung out with us. You're tough. Buster will protect you". He petted him again.

"Beau! You better get yo ass in here!" I heard my dad call to him. "Bianca go now! Run, and don't stop!" I heard his voice echoed as I was running.

I quickly sat up and rubbed my eyes, looking around. We were still beside the waterfall and the sun was setting. I started crying into my hands "Beau.." I sobbed. I woke up Ajay as she was rubbing her eyes "What's wrong darlin?" she yawned.

I stood up shaking a bit from the dream I just had, wiping the tears off my face. "I had a nightmare. I-I remember..." I stood there, looking up at the top of the waterfall. She looked at me in confusion. Anita woke up, not to far away from us "What happened..?" she stood up stretching. I shook my head and rubbed my temples.

"I'm sorry I woke you guys up. But I think we gotta go, the ship takes off at 8. I'll tell you guys about it later" I said still thinking about my dream.

We hiked our way back to the dropship. Elliot, like always, was glad I was back. He tried to hug me, but I pushed him off of me "I'm sorry but I feel uncomfortable right now" I told him making my way to my room to get ready. When I got dressed, I sat on my bed, so many things going through my head. I couldn't believe I remembered my older brother Beau. For the longest time I thought I didn't have any siblings.

I was thinking very hard to see if I could remember anything else but I heard the announcers voice "Now arriving at Kings Canyon: After Dark". I quickly got up and headed towards the drop doors. I looked up to see who I was going to be on a team with. "Yes.." I said to myself. Ajay and Elliot were going to be with me. He came up to me looking concerned.

"Are we fine?" he asked trying to shake my hand. I nodded and he, of course, hugged me in excitement. "Oh yeah, you guys are all dead. We got the best player on our team" he bragged.

I shook my head and saw Ajay staring at me. She was getting on my nerves because of how everyone was hugging on me. She grabbed my hand and put it on her face. I couldn't stay annoyed at her for too long because she was too adorable. I smiled at her and kissed her cheek.

"Come on guys let's go!" Elliot said as he pushed us out the ship. We flew through the air. I already knew Kings at night wasn't going to be fun. We landed at Skull Town and I quickly picked up a Mozambique, an R-301 and some armour, hearing two other squads landing with us. I saw the bullet streaks flying in front of my face. I darted my head to where they were coming from and fired up Alex. He quickly got knocked from the bullets and I slid over to him and finished him.

I started looking for Elliot and Ajay. They landed somewhere outside of Skull Town. I heard Doc's robo beeping and saw her reviving Elliot. "Well...I guess you could say that was embarrassing" he said rubbing the back of his head.

"I literally jus carried ya ass. Please don't let me do dat again" she said in annoyance. I saw she had 3 kills and was currently the kill leader. I was happy for her. "Come on, we're not in the ring" I told the two. I pulled Elliot by the collar of his shirt and held Ajay's hand as we walked deeper into Kings Canyon.

We were outside one of the caves, still looting. So far, I've experimented with all the guns and I'm doing real good with a Prowler and R-301. Elliot had a PK with a G7 and Ajay got a Kraber and a Spitfire. This whole game she was looking very annoyed with me and Elliot because we kept talking about our opinions on the other legends. She doesn't like it when people talk about each other in a bad way.

I could feel that she was upset, so I put my guns behind my back and hugged her from behind. I kissed her neck and she shoved me off of her. I backed away from her "What's wrong Che?" I asked, kind of hurt that she pushed me off of her like that.

"Everyting...I'm not in da mood for ya cockiness. I'm tired of hearin ya talk about our friends like dat. And..." she signed shaking her head.

I felt bad after hearing what she said. I wasn't realizing I was acting like a dick that whole time. I was about to ask her to finish what she was saying but Elliot cut me off "Don't look now guys, but there's three squads left. We got this" he gave us a thumbs up. Right after he said that I heard a sniper bullet and turned around. I saw him knocked on the ground, trying to crawl up to us.

Right behind him was the ring closing. "You guys are gonna have to go without me.." he got killed by the ring. It was moving fast as me and Ajay were running. I was slightly faster than her, leaving her behind.

"Ya just gonna have to leave me!" she cried out to me. I picked her up and put her over my right shoulder. "You're not getting left" I said running as fast as possible.

I was getting closer to the safe zone, both of our health extremely low. I knew I wasn't going to make it so I tossed her into the ring. I got knocked from it. I crawled over to her "Hey, we made it...kinda" I said bleeding out. She just looked at me "Ought to leave ya there".

I was getting irritated at how she was acting "Come on are you serious right now? I just saved you and you're gonna let me die?".

She smiled at me. "Don't worry I got dis. I am more experienced than you" she teased. I was so angry I wanted to say something but I died. I was teleported to the medical bay where I woke up on a examination table. The nurse who was supposed to be working on me was shook at how I went out since everyone was watching the game.

"Argh please don't touch me!" I yelled getting off the table. She didn't care and let me go even though I was in pain.

I angrily walked back to the main area of the ship and sat down on the ground, Indian style, with my arms crossed. "Aw, what's wrong brotha? Young tough love huh?" Mokoa said sitting the same way beside me. I turned my head from him. I heard him stand up and he picked me up by the collar of my shirt. "No time for negativity now. This was just anotha fight for you. Many more to come" he said trying to cheer me up.

I took a breath in and breathed out trying to let some anger go away. I heard cheering and just loudness behind me. Ajay teleported back to the ship with a smile on her face.

"Looks like she won. All by herself too. That's crazy" I over heard Mokoa say as he was going to congratulate her. I was still standing up, with my arms crossed still annoyed. I just watched everyone stand around Ajay, talking to her like she was famous.

I kept looking on, still salty about the whole situation.

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