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"They're not gonna do you like that..! You better not die now...Wake up!"

I felt my heart beat and I abruptly opened my eyes from the voice that was in my head. I was in an unfamiliar room. It looked like I was in a hospital room. I looked around and there was a nurse taking care of me. I tried to sit up but I winced and laid back down. I hated this.

"Hey now don't try to move to much. You just got operated on. You lost a good amount of blood, but you fought hard and survived the surgery on the way up here. You and your friend" she said.

I didn't know who she was talking about at first until I remembered about Anita. I sat up in the bed quickly and cursed from the pain running through my body. "Hey now. Listen to her or else" I heard someone say, then they laughed afterwards.

Ajay was standing beside me while I was in the hospital bed. I grabbed her and pulled her into a hug. She kissed me on the lips and caressed my face. "Im so glad ya made it. You and 'Nita did" she said.

"Where's she? I wanna see her! She was saying something to me" I finally spoke up but my voice was weak and it hurt a bit when I spoke. Ajay rubbed my forehead "Don't worry. She's a couple of rooms down. You'll see her soon". The nurse nodded and walked out, knowing Ajay would take care of me.

"What a badass" someone else was in the room. It was Beau. Someone else was beside him. She looked just like me. She had dreads and her smile was just as pretty as mine.

"Hey Bianca. The first time seeing you in a while and you're in the hospital. Funny" she said and had a nervous laugh afterwards. It was one of my sisters, but I couldn't remember her name since we all looked the same.

"Its me Brianna. I knew you didn't know by the look on your face. I brought the rest of the crew too" she said. I looked around the room more and didn't realize how big it was. While I was looking around I saw all my other siblings. I recognized all 9 of their faces surprisingly. But someone was missing. "Where's Bobby?"

They looked at me sadly. Ajay held my hand already knowing what happened to him. "He got shot by dad that night they were trying to kick you out and he got killed instantly" Beau explained. I didn't know how to respond so I stayed quite. I remembered when that happened. I never forgot it.

"Im surprised you're alive thought. You're one hell of a beast for surviving a shot through the stomach" Beau told me while pointing at the bandages wrapled around me.

So that's what happened? I got shot. The bullet hit Anita in the back then me. But who shot us? Before I could question myself again, the room door opened and I saw Anita in a wheelchair getting pushed by Tavio. I couldn't help myself. Once he rolled her over to me, I sat up and hugged her. She gently hugged back.

"Awe, little girl's excited to see me" she said still hugging me. I was very sure that she died during the incident. So this hug felt like we made a connection. A good one.

"You know that big commotion we were in last night? Its all over the news, guys. But no one got in trouble. No one! Can you believe it? There's no evidence of Blisk doing those horrible things to us. And they don't even know who shot you two" Octavio told us all. I had so much hatred for Blisk at this point that it didn't even feel real. And the way they haven't figured out who had shot us was ridiculous. I felt like they knew, they just were trying to make Blisk not loose his job.

I laid back in the bed and threw a fit. I kicked the covers off the bed and ripped out the IV that was in my arm, which squirted blood everywhere. Ajay grabbed my body and slammed me back on the bed. I know not to underestimate her strength ever again because it hurt when she did that. All my siblings except Beau were laughing and routing me on but they stop after Ajay took me over.

"Soldier! I mean- Bianca! Calm down...It's not that serious" Anita put her finger over my arm where I took the IV out.

"She got that from us, right Beau?" Bailey said to my brother who wasn't having it. Ajay looked over at him and rolled her eyes. I could tell she already didn't like my siblings from how they acted. Brianna could tell Ajay was getting upset so she made a signal for them to leave. Each one of them came by the bed and kissed my cheek.

Berenice, the youngest hugged me "Hope you get better B. Love you" she walked out with the others and they all disappeared. It was just me, Ajay, Anita and Octavio in the room.

"Finally its quite. I couldn't imagine having that many siblings. How did your- okay never mind shouldn't bring that up" Anita said under her breath scratching the back of her head. I knew what she was about to say. But I didn't pay no mind to it.

"Man, your siblings are pretty cool. I should hang with them some time" Octavio chuckled. Ajay still wasn't amused by him. She told him to leave. He had a nervous laugh. He grabbed the wheelchair Anita was in and started rolling her out. I quickly stopped them, remembering Anita trying to tell me something last night before we got shot.

"What were you trying to tell me last night?" I grabbed the wheelchair before it made its way to the door. She turned around and looked nervous. Then the look went away "Don't worry about it. I'll tell you sooner or later" she then ordered Tavio to roll her back to her room. I watched them leave and I felt sad and empty. I felt like she needed to tell me something seriously important.

Ajay sat the bed up for me and turned my head towards her. She looked at me for a while and I smiled at her. She put her forehead against mine and I held her.

"I'm sorry I put you guys through this. I thought it would be sunshine and rainbows for us but I ruined it again. If I need to drop out the games I can, if that helps" I wiped the tears from my eyes.

Ajay shook her head and disagreed with me "No way! Ya not goin anywhere. You didn't do anything and you know dat. Dis is jus happenin at the wrong time. Don't eva say dat okay?". I didn't respond to her and I turned my head away from her. She once again grabbed my face and turned it towards her. "Did ya here me? Or do I havta repeat myself" she sounded mad. I nodded quickly thinking she would throw away all my noodles, so I pretended I was okay.

"Good. Now relax and enjoy ya couple days off. I'll go get ya a big bowl of ramen from the shop down the street" she walked out the room, twirling her hair with her finger, Doc following behind her like always.

I was very happy she was going to do that. But at the same time I couldn't stop thinking about last night. It haunted me. Seeing my friends in their worst state. Seeing blood and guts as Revenant murdered those dudes. Feeling an actual bullet go through my body. Almost dying. I really took life for granted at this point. I needed to realize that what was happening was very real and stop acting how I was acting since everything I did as a legend had a consequence.

I stared out the window of my room, looking down at the cars that drove past, thinking about everything that recently happened going through my head. All the while, I still wanted to know what Anita was trying to say to me. This bothered for me a long time

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