The Gals

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I didn't get any sleep at all last night. I was just sitting at my desk I had in my room, looking outside the window. I still noticed we were on Solace and today was also another game day. I was excited cause this time we were fighting at night.

Looking out the window, I remembered about the gifts I gave Anita last night. I looked at my phone to see what time it was and went out my room to the cafeteria. I saw the guys sitting at the table eating breakfast. As usual, Mokoa was stuffing his face with the food he made. Elliot was talking to Tae (Crypto) non stop about his crush on Renee. Being friends with him, you would hear him talk about her non stop. Alex (Caustic) was just watching them all as expected. Octavio was on his phone live streaming every moment of his life with his over one million followers. He lowkey makes me jealous because maybe I wanna be popular like that.

I sat down with them and Mokoa slid me a plate of food. I ate quickly and overheard the girls sitting at the table behind us. I rarely sit with them because they talk about stuff that makes me uncomfortable. I can't ever realate to them. But this conversation I couldn't resist. "Hey guys, I'm gonna go sit with the gals" I rolled my eyes trying to not look interested, eventhough I was.

I walked over to them with my food in hand. I sat down in between Ajay and Renee. Anita and Natalie on the other side. "So you really gonna write this and give me some gifts without giving me a hug?" Anita said standing up. I looked at her like she was crazy. "You want a hug? Am I dreaming?" I joked. She shook her head and I slowly got up. Before I could even hug her, she hugged, tightly. I tried to hug her back but her arms were wrapped around my whole body.

When she got through, everyone stared at her. "That's a first. I ough to clap at that" Elliot said astonished.

"Don't" Anita said firmly at him, giving him a death stare. He turned back around with a scared look on his face. Anita looked back at me and gave a smile. She didn't show her teeth though, which I expected. I was happy that she accepted my note. She still had it in her hand. "So what does it say?" Ajay said turning around. Everyone agreed and was looking closely at both of us.

Anita read off the paper "Ya know, Im really glad that I met you. You really remind me off my mother and when you taught me how to shoot a gun better and worked me out until I was throwing up and crying I really appreciate that and I still look back on it. You know I have more stuff to say about you but im running out of room on this paper. Im blessed for you to be in my life, eventhough we've only known each other for a couple of weeks".

She looked back at me and hugged me again. This time I was able to hug her back. "That's good writing. How come I couldn't get one?" Elliot said wanting a hug from me too. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Okay 'Nita. I think ya can stop huggin her" Ajay said. I could hear the jealousy I her voice. Anita let go of me and looked at Ajay. "What? I can't hug your little girlfriend" Anita said teasing her. Ajay turned around and crossed her arms. I smiled at her, putting my hand on her shoulder "Before we leave to go to Kings, you wanna go with me to where I buried my mom? Maybe we could get a little more connected if I took you".

She looked up at me and smiled "Sure, why not?" she got up and we started at the door to go outside. "Hey can I come?" I heard Anita say catching up with us. I nodded my head as we walked out the door. Ajay looked at her in disgust. She held my arm tightly.

"Come on what's up?" I asked her laughing. I heard her huff as she still was holding my arm and hand. I shook my head as we made our way down to the waterfall close to where I buried my mom.

"This the place" I said pointing at the cross that I put up. It was very quiet and peaceful. She took me here all the time to camp when we went out. There was a lot of grass around and I laid back in it.

"This is a pretty place. It looked like she was a good ass person to be buried over here" Anita said taking out the flower she picked on the way up here, putting it beside the cross. I smiled at what she said.

Anita and Ajay sat beside me as I was still laying in the grass with my hands behind my head. "Im curious, Ajay, where's your family from? I swear your accent sounds so familiar" I asked her.

She perked up "Oh wow Im so glad ya finally asked me that. I know we came from dis country on Earth called Haiti. Its somewhere in the Caribbean over there. I've never been but one day I wanna go" she said looking at me on the ground.

I was jealous at her accent because before I met all the legends, I never met another black person nor knew that we had accents.

"I wish I could sound like that. I'd probably have fun with it and show it off" I laughed at myself. Anita looked at me "Yeah that's true. Wish I knew where I came from too but that's something for another day.." she said shaking her head. We stayed silent for a bit which made me uncomfortable. I couldn't stand it.

I sprung to my feet, took my shirt off and jumped into the water. I came above the water seeing Ajay and Anita looking at me like I was crazy. Ajay stood up and looked at Anita "Wanna join?". She quickly shook her head "No way I'm fine. I'll just watch" she said. Ajay shrugged her shoulders and joined me taking her top off.

I licked my lips as she swam over to me. Too bad she still had her bra on. "I mean if Anita wasn't here she probably would have had it off" I thought. She put her arms around me and kissed me. I smiled but was uncomfortable because Anita kept looking over at us. I was looking back her while she was on her phone, looking up at us every now and then.

Ajay grabbed my head and turned it back towards her. "Why ya gotta look at her when I'm right here?" She asked sounding annoyed. I frowned at her "I can look at you but I wanna throw some water on her" I said pointing at Anita. She rolled her eyes letting go of me. I stood up in the water, cupping some of it, then throwing it at Anita.

She flinched at the water hitting her. "If you want to beat me, come get me" I said going back in the water, taunting her. She got up and jumped at me, wrestling me in the water.

Once I was above water, I felt Ajay's stares burning into my back. I turned to looked at her. "Come!" I said trying to make her come to us. She crossed her arms walking out the water. I frowned and shrugged my shoulders. I went back to Anita and dragged her underwater.

We finally got out, walking back over to Ajay. She was messing with Doc as we came up to her. She looked at me and then at Doc. "Why'd you not wanna play?" I asked sitting beside her. She ignored me still fixing on her drone.

"Jealousy.." I heard Anita say under her breath. Ajay was about to say something to her but I grabbed her jaw and turned her head towards me and kissed her. "Dat's what I like" she said wrapping her arms around me.

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