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I heard a familiar sound in the background as I was waking up. I wasn't in bed though. I was on a couch. I open my eyes more and started to look around the room. I wasn't at the apartment. It was some where...familiar. I sat up and stretched while still sitting on the couch.

"Well look who's up!" I heard someone say. I perked up and turned around and saw her. "Ma!" I jumped up and ran to hug my Mama D. She held me as I cried into her arms.

I let go of her and she wiped my face "Look at ya, all famous and stuff. I knew you would become one...Got you a girlfriend. Made you a couple of friends. Finally figured out where you came from. I also see you took my necklace, smart one" she said smiling at me. I stepped back and looked at her. She looked young and happy to see me. But this felt so real. She wore the same clothes when we were in the accident and her necklace wasn't around her neck, since I had it.

She walked me over to the dining room and talked with me. She knew what was going on with my life ever since she passed away. I felt like she was watching me this whole time because she kept bringing up major things that happen.

"I really think you guys don't need to do Blisk like that. I understand he's a kind of bad person but at the same time do you remember what he said to all of you the other day? You wanna be up there with me?" she pointed up, explaining to me like a lecture. I gulped at how she said it. But I still felt like it should be done. I wasn't about to put up with the non sense he was throwing at us. Especially at me. She leaned across the table and held me by the face "Listen. You just know better. Don't do anything stupid. I love you..." she kissed my forehead and then disappeared.

I woke back up this time in the bed with Ajay. I had a tear in my eye. I held Ajay close to me as she was still asleep. I thought about what my mom said and I finally decided that what we planned didn't need to be done. It was pointless.

"Che I really don't think we need to do that to Kuben!" I yelled out loud trying to wake her up. She rolled over and looked at me like I was crazy. She groaned "Why mus ya wake me up like dat?". She looked pissed off as her eyes squinted at me. Then she finally sat up and rubbed them answering to what I said. "Also, I'm surprised ya don't wanna do it anymore. The main one dat wanted to.." she was still sleepy as she yawned and got up to get ready for today.

We were going to the drop ship to plan out the revenge we were supposed to do all together. Everyone was already there, Mokoa was laughing at what Renee and Anita from what they were saying about Blisk. Octavio, Natalie and Path were drawing devil horns on his face from flyers that were taken off the streets and Tae was on his laptop, Elliot was beside him pointing at stuff on the screen. I was still pissed off at him from what happened yesterday. Ajay went behind him to see what he was doing for me because I would have probably started a fight.

"Dug up any good stuff bout him?" Ajay asked Tae. He nodded, since he knew everything about literally almost everyone, it was pretty easy for him to find stuff about him. I stayed back watching them do what they did, them laughing and gasping every now and then on what they found on him.

Blisk was an IMC commander whenever the Frontier war was going on. He made up a group called the Apex Predators. I knew my mom wanted to be one but she couldn't. He didn't take women in so she despited him. He has strict beliefs and is very judgmental around certain people thinking they're connected to the Militia, thinking they're terrorists. He doesn't like to pay the teams that lose in the games first either, which has happened to all of us.

Tae found some deeper stuff about him and everyone was shocked at what it was about. He once killed off an innocent population of people in a poor community, thinking they had ties with the Militia during the war. Everyone was not happy about it but no one knew who was the one that was in charge of the massacre. But we know now.

"I knew it was him, do what you need to do Joon so we can sit back and watch" Anita said in an evil way. I held my stomach, about to get sick from how nervous I was. I started to breathe fast and my heart was racing.

"Please! Don't do it!" I yelled at Tae before he pressed a button on his laptop. Everyone was looking at me confused. "Bianca...I thought you wanted to do this. Right?" Elliot asked.

"I had a you guys know what would happen if they found out who let that out about him? With technology like now, pretty sure they'll find out who did it. Best to leave like it is" I said, calming down.

Renee nodded in agreement. Everyone looked at each and agreed with the both of us. But Anita didn't like it. She shook her head and sat down at one of the tables, looking miserable. I know she hated his guts and this would be her chance to laugh in his face but I didn't want the games to end and for us to get brainwashed and not remember anything. Or even worst killed. I'm pretty sure that was an over exaggeration when he said that to us. But knowing him, he probably wasn't joking.

I put my hand on her shoulder and she looked up at me "I get you. Maybe one day though" she said. I nodded at what she said. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around. It was Tavio. He was trying to apologize from how I called him out yesterday.

"I know I brag about my fans a lot, but there's no need to get jealous chica. I can just help you get popular since it doesn't come naturally" the way he said this made be heated. I balled my fists and Ajay got mad at him too. Her face was red against her brown skin and I could tell she was extremely mad. I've never seen her like that.

"Hold on guys chill, come on, you know how he acts" Anita held us both back from attacking him. I calmed down and Ajay was still furious. She got out of Anita's grip and tackled Tavio to the ground. He eventually got up, running around, trying to get her off him, but she was still attached to his back. She pulled off his mask he always wore. Everyone gasped because no one, except Natalie, has seen him without it.

"Do something B, that's your girlfriend!" Elliot shouted at me, but was still entertained by what was happening since he was recording it. I didn't want to get involved so I pretended I didn't hear him. Eventually Ajay got off him and dusted herself off, breathing heavily, fixing her hair in the process. The guys backed up against walls as she walked past.

Octavio turned back to us covering his face with his hand "Man, you guys really hate me huh?" his voice was muffled. I felt bad as I watched him pick up his torn mask off the ground. He made his way to the dropship doors to leave but I caught up with him once he got outside.

"Listen, don't take any of that to heart. You should have never did what you did to her to get your legs. You know how some of the females act, holding grudges and stuff" I apologized to him from how Ajay attacked him. I wiped the blood from a scratch on his face.

He took his hand off his face and for the first time I finally saw how pretty he looked, without his mask and goggles.

"Thanks chica" he hugged me and quickly letting go, scared that Ajay would see. Natalie came outside looking to see where her boyfriend went.

"I see you two made up, good. Now we can't all hate each other" she smiled at me and grabbed Tavio by the hand. "Don't worry Silva, I'll take care of her, I'll let you know" I winked at him. He laughed at me, knowing what I was talking about as he walked with his girlfriend.

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