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"Wanna go for round two, or are ya too tired?" Ajay teased at me. She turned to face me in the bed while I was still behind her. I was panting from what we were doing. I collapsed beside her "You know I can't do multiple rounds" I said trying to catch my breath. She laughed at me "I know, jus teasin ya like always".

Before we went to sleep someone was calling her on her phone. She answered "Hello?...Okay..yes sir will do..bye". I looked at her "Who was it?:

"Its Kuben. He wants us all for some emergency meetin. He sounds serious" she replied, looking worried. I groaned at what she said. Why the hell does he need us at 9 at night. Ajay pulled me out the bed trying to encourage me to get up. She takes being a legend very seriously and she wanted us out the house asap.

The meeting is supposed to be at the headquarters. Usually, these things are scheduled, but this time it wasn't. I was confused and worried on why he wanted to do it so late. As we drove our way up there, I felt a cold breeze against my skin. The car windows weren't down and the AC wasn't on. I ignored it thinking it was me just getting randomly cold.

"You're not in trouble" I heard a voice behind my ear and I jolted my head around to see who was talking to me. Ajay grabbed the wheel trying to control the car "Pay attention Bianca!". I grabbed the wheel again "Sorry...I..never mind".

We finally pulled up to the headquarters and all the legends were waiting for us. Everyone was in their PJs or just something they threw on. I smiled at the way they looked but I frowned right after.

"I feel like we're not in for a good meeting" Renee told us as we were escorted into the building. We were seated inside a big enough room to where we could all fit, and Blisk had a chair for him at the end of the table.

"Hello friends! Bianca.." his emotions changed when he saw me. I looked away from him and frowned again, wanting to cry. I heard Anita growl and I saw her fists balled up.

"Calm down Williams, we haven't even started yet" he said, trying to provoke her. She shook her head and looked away from him, trying not to get too angry.

"Now I know you're all wondering why you're here so late, if this even is late for you. Someone, I don't care who, explain this to me" he projected the drawing Renee, Tavio and Path made of him.

"Oh we did that! My artistic skills are very good" Pathfinder said, proud of his work. I looked across the table and saw Elliot red faced and sweaty. I was confused and kinda suspicious of him.

Blisk ordered one of his bodyguards to take out the module that was making Path run. We all watched, wanting to do something about it but we didn't because we knew something terrible would happen. Mokoa didn't look to hot. He was on the verge of crying because he liked Pathfinder a lot.

"Don't worry ladies and gentleman. He'll get that put back inside him one day.." Blisk said as the guard gave him the device that was in Path. Elliot stood up from his seat "Okay, I'm sorry guys. I took that picture and sent it out. Hate me all you want".

We all looked at him and I shook my head. Elliot still had some of his holographic gear on him, just to mess with anyone if he was bored. Blisked ripped the devices off his jacket and crushed them underneath his feet. Elliot went to his knees and started crying from it since that was one of the only memories of his mom.

We all started to get rowdy. Mokoa and Alex stood up and started cussing Blisk out. All he did was laugh and told the two sit down or he would do something that they'll regret. They both sat down and continued to watch him closely.

"Enough of that. Now to the fun part...who decided it would be a good idea to ALMOST get out that I killed that village of militia citizens. You know how much money I would have lost?!" Blisk yelled at us, banging on the table almost making it fall over.

We all looked at each other, confused, trying to figure out how he found out about what we found on him. I heard Tae take a deep breath. He was being very quiet the whole time. But he finally sat up.

"It was me. I know you guys thought we didn't let that out but I only leaked it on a certain website. I wasn't thinking we were going to get caught" Tae said looking at all of us. Kuben smiled at what he said and was about to pull something out his pocket but Anita got up from her seat "Why you little-" she lunged at Tae and started to fight him. Everyone tried to get her off him, but Jesus this chick was strong as hell and she wouldn't budge.

"With this distraction, looks like I can finally kill you" I over heard Revenant say. He made his hand into a blade and started to come for Blisk.

Blisk panicked and his guards tried to protect him but they ended up getting killed by him. Anita stopped fighting Tae and everyone looked over at Revenant slicing and cutting open Blisk's guards. Blisk ran out the meeting room, calling for backup.

"I think we needa get outta here!" I said to the legends as Revenant continued to kill the guards. "What about Marv? We can't leave him here!" Mokoa cried. I looked back at Path and picked up his stiff robot body. He was really heavy, but I ignored it as we ran for the exit back to where the cars were.

Once I got back outside I placed his body on the ground around the legends. I looked at every one of them and they all looked horrible and stressed. I never seen them like this ever and it made me uncomfortable. Tae on the other hand was very bruised up from him getting beat up by Anita. I didn't feel bad for him.

Ajay ran up to me and hugged me tightly. This was the tightess hug she's ever given me. I looked down at her and saw how much she was crying. I kissed her everywhere on her face trying my best to comfort her while she was still crying.

"Why can't we go back to normal?!" she cried on my chest still hugging on me. I shrugged my shoulders wiping her face as she let go of me "Don't worry. This will shape up. Everyone will know about this and Blisk will get terminated". She laughed at what I said. This surprised me because she doesn't laugh at things like that.

Anita grabbed my shoulder and turned me around "Listen, I'm not sure what's gonna happen to us, but I need for you to know this now. Im very glad you came into our lives and if you never came, we probably would have never been in this position. But I'm glad this is happening because, really I-" she suddenly stopped talking and groaned loudly. I screamed from a pain that went through my abdomen. She fell on top of me and I heard the girls scream.

My vision was blurry and I saw Ajay and Natalie getting pulled away from us by the other legends. My vision was getting very cloudy and I was losing my breath from Anita's lifeless body on top of my mine. I didn't care. I knew I was going to die from bleeding out, so I hugged her and cried in the nape of her neck. After a while I stopped crying, stopped breathing and went limp.

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