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I woke up in the morning, once again the light from the sun shining through the window. At first, I didn't know where I was, not until I saw Ajay cuddled up beside me. Her little breathing made it hard for me to move cause of how cute she was asleep. I had my arm around her, letting my fingers go through her long hair. She moved after a while. Sitting up she looked at me "Good mornin darlin". She always said the same thing to me when we wake up. I gave her a small smile. She got off the bed and started to the kitchen.

As I was trying to get up, I groaned. I was sore. The games and Worlds Edge were more intense and tiring than Kings. I was very stiff. I tried to move again but my legs wouldn't allow it. I cursed out loud which made Ajay come back to the room "What's da matta wit ya? Sore like I thought?" she said with her arms crossed, leaning against the door frame.

I slowly got out the bed "Yeah, everything hurts". She pulled me to our bathroom and ran some hot water for me "Get in". I looked at her, yawned and proceeded to listen to her commands. She left me in the bathroom as I stayed in the tub.

"This feels so got damn good.." I say to myself. The water was so warm I decided to close my eyes. Before I could fall asleep, I heard Ajay come back "Come on, get out, ya foods ready and I don't want it to get cold". I groaned, crawling out the tub.

I made my way to the kitchen and breakfast was the same and good like always. It still felt weird I couldn't eat and enjoy it with the other legends like I would before I moved in with my girlfriend.

I watched her eat. She looked at me after she stuffed her face with cereal "Hm?". I shook my head "You ready for tonight? I asked her. Tonight was one of those nights where every season of the games, we would go to the Apex Headquarters and get interviewed by the press. Lots of people attended the talk show. They stopped doing them after Revenant broke into the place. Now they rescheduled and we could finally attend. Ajay nodded happily remembering what I told her. "I'm too excited. Ya gonna love it I promise". I smiled at what she said, believing her since it was my first time going.

Later that evening we were getting ready to head out. All the legends were meeting at the drop ship landing zone so we could get picked up by a limousine. As this was going through my head, I had forgot I was supposed to dress formally. I went through my side of the closet and found a dress shirt, a bow tie and some dress pants. The shirt had pandas on it and I loved it. I tossed on what I picked out and admired myself in the mirror.

"Whatcha think?". I turned around and saw Ajay in pretty red sleeveless dress. She had her hair in buns and she did her makeup. "Fine as always" I said walking over to kissing her. She looked at what I had on and laughed "You too. Very formal indeed".

We walked out the apartment and walked our way over to the dropship which was close by. We walked through the door and I saw how amazing everyone looked. The guys had on tuxes and Elliot stood out wearing a bright orange one. Pathfinder had a bowtie on his screen, which I thought was cute. Natalie had on a short yellow dress, and then Renee wore and purple romper. "You guys look so great. So much better than what I could do.." I said plucking at my bow tie. "Where's Anita though".

I saw her come from the main part of the ship to where we were. She look irritated as she was fixing one of the pins on her military uniform "I'm missing one and not gonna be in a good mood for the rest of the night".

"At least you look pretty in it" I said trying to make her feel better. She gave me a small smile as she walked outside "Limos here" she called to us.

Elliot and Octavio ran towards the vehicle followed by me and the rest of everyone else. I've never been inside one of these and it was really nice in here. On the way up there, I scrolled through my music app, looking for a song to play. "Guys, this is a very exciting moment for us, especially me so we have to get lit" I went to the driver and told him to play a song. I started to dance in my seat once he had it on. "She's got some moves" Elliot said, trying to dance with me.

"Please stop" I said, loosing interest in dancing. He looked embarrassed rubbing the back of his head.

We pulled up to the headquarters and the driver opened the door for us. "Alright, you guys know what to do" Anita said making her way out the limo. I watched everyone walk out, then I saw how many people there was outside standing behind ropes, so they won't run to us. All the legends did their signature moves, Octavio showed them how fast he was, Anita used her smoke grenade and Mokoa walked through it showing his muscles. Ajay sat on Doc as he floated around.

When I got out the limo all the girls were screaming my name, asking for pictures. I ignored them and they told me to lift up the limo since I was strong. I was pumped at how they loved me so much. Without thinking, I did as they said, I lifted the thing over my head without work. They all screamed and cheered talking pictures. The legends looked back at me in awe. I dropped the limo gently and ran to the entrance of the headquarters. I wasn't thinking about the driver that was still in there though. Hopefully he's okay.

"What you feel from that? A rush?" Octavio said, proud at what I did. I was smiling too hard from what I did "They need to run me my money. That's how I feel".

The producer of the show came to us and we followed him to back stage to a lounge area where we could chill before we got interviewed all together. "They still have them! The double fudge brownies" Mokoa said cheerfully, grabbing a hand full of them. As I was walking to the table of desserts, I saw a basket with my name on it. I had so many cups of ramen noddles in it! I ripped it open and took a cup out and cooked it. I impatiently watched it turn in a microwave, doing a little dance, staring at it. Ajay laughed at me once I took them out and started eating them.

"Don't laugh at me girl, this stuff is so good..but not as good as you taste though" I said looking at her up and down licking my lips. She shushed me as she playfully pushed me. "TMI?" Anita said, rolling her eyes. I ignored her, still playfully eating my favorite food.

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