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Yay this book is finally over. I'm planning on making a second book though to continue with the actual apex legends lore like the broke ghost quests and all. But now I can finally make Bianca's lore chapter. I couldn't wait to make this. My inspiration of this layout is from the official lore page on Reddit.

Real name: Bianca Bakaar Jimenez (she goes by Jimenez throughout the story)

Height: 5'9

Age: 26

Homeworld: Solace

Alias: BJ, Optimistic Maniac

Family: Brothers: Beau, Byron, Bailey, Billy and Bobby (deceased). Sisters: Brianna, Bethany, Brooke, Berenice and Bella | unnamed biological parents | Mother: Dion Bakaar (deceased...)

Relations: Ajay Che (girlfriend?) | Elliot Witt and Octavio Silva (Best friends) | Anita Williams (seen as a mother figure possibly) | All the other legends (Good friends)


Bianca was born into already a big family. Once she learned how to walk and talk, she was tired of playing with her sisters and joined her rough house brothers. They would steal, flirt with girls and always play soccer. One night Bianca's biological parents decided she shouldn't be apart of the family since they were afraid she would become a boy and their religion was against that. Bianca eventually escaped with the help of her oldest brother and the next day she found her new and official caretaker and she lost all memory of ever having an actual family. When she became a young adult, her mother was training her for the Apex Games but a flyer rammed itself into a tower they were on and it fell over, killing Dion in the process. This is something that Bianca never forgot and she carried this memory with her to becoming a legend.

Interview | "New Kid in Town"

"Y'know, I didn't think it was possible to become a legend. Ever since my mom my introduced me to it, I've always fantasized about being one. Seeing all those famous fighters shoot each other with guns on the TV made me hype for it. When Elliot introduced me to the legends, I thought I wasn't supposed to be there or maybe I thought I was dreaming...I don't remember. Then all eyes were on me when I first made an appearance on TV. I never forget that, I never knew I could be in the position I'm in now".

This would be a supposed loading screen in the game of Gloria having her arm around Bianca as they walk back home after training Bianca for the Games | Mama D

"Ever since she found me stranded in one of her caves I knew that she was gonna be apart of my life for a longtime. Since she was Afrolatina she taught me how to cook all the famous Mexican dishes and showed me how to dance if I were ever go to a quinceanera. She taught me how to play the saxophone and I got pretty good at it but then I stopped playing. But most importantly, she taught me how to be respectful. I mean that's important right? Especially when you find your significant other. I was always nice to everyone, especially to the kids that I was friends with at the nearest high school. Oh...a word of advice..? A mothers love is very unconditional"

Another supposed loading screen in Bianca's eyes looking at Anita (Bangalore) as she runs through her smoke after killing a whole squad | Inspiration

"When I first saw her, I'm not gonna lie, I thought she was gonna be a bitch. But obviously she isn't. She taught me more about all the guns I was gonna get during games. She worked me out until I threw up and passed out a couple of times. And then she taught me some other stuff which I don't remember. But thanks to her, I'm pretty good at the Games and never failed to impress her. Everyone thinks she's rude but there were times we would joke around. And when she actually smiled...it was really pretty. And she would make sure Ajay was taking care of me. She always reminds me of my mom...same everything almost. She's never heard me say this but I love her a lot. Thanks for everything.."


-Bianca has amnesia from a serious injury. After arguing with her biological parents about hanging with her brothers, they hit her in the head multiple times. She also has ADHD. Whenever she has a lot to say she'll end up getting distracted and go on and digress.

-She became interested into girls while hanging out with her brothers as they would always find a female to talk to.

-Her favorite food is ramen, especially the real kind. Her girlfriend Ajay introduced her to it.

-Her biological parents are currently serving time in prison after killing one of her brothers and kicking her out the house. On top of that having abused her other siblings. The remaining siblings were sent to foster homes but then all reunited after they were old enough.

-Bianca is mixed with Nigerian, Cuban and Egyptian. From being Egyptian, her family's religion was Islam and they didn't believe in homosexuality. Beau is the only one that still follows the religion. All her siblings and herself are now atheists or follow other religions.

-Bianca and some of her siblings have hazel eyes and is one of the reasons why she's so attractive to women, sometimes men.

-Dion, Bianca's mom, had a hip problems all her life and while she was young she would sometimes use a cane made out of a perfectly sized tree branch to walk around. She also wanted to be in the IMC but couldn't because of her condition.

-The shark tooth necklace that Bianca always wears is from when Dion and her brother found a dead shark and took its teeth out. The necklace give her good luck because she thought it was lucky to find a dead shark on the beach.

-Bianca knows what her actual parents look like and she always tries to make herself forget who they are. Whenever she mentions anything about her mother, she's always talking about Dion, not the child abusers. And if they ask about a dad she just says she doesn't have one.

-Ajay was not Bianca's first crush. When she was a teenager, she would always meet up with a girl after she had school. Bianca liked her a lot and invited her to dinner at a hibachi grill. They became really good friends but the girls parents didn't like the fact that their daughter was developing feelings for Bianca so they weren't able to see each other ever again.

-Bianca was home schooled by Dion and received a home school diploma.

-Bianca is a switch in bed while Ajay is the top.

-Bianca's favorite guns are the R-301 and the 201.

-Her dropship room is heavily decorated with Egyptian, Nigerian and Cuban symbols and colors as she wants everyone to know where she comes from.

-Her favorite sport is soccer and she misses playing it with her brothers.

-Whenever she's really nervous, scared or embarrassed, she gets sick.

-Bianca knows how to play the saxophone but stopped playing it due to her mother dying.

Ah, I think that's enough trivia about her. Hopefully you gamers stay to read the next book which i'm currently working on. Thanks for reading this one.

- a horrible person

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