When the World Starts Falling Down

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Bianca's POV. she's now 24

"What you think about this?" I heard my mom say showing me a video on her phone. I was amazed at what I was looking at so I snatched her phone from her. " I needa do this!" I over heard her laughing at me. "Well first I would recommend learning how to shoot a gun and start running more. Y'know, cause they look a little more in shape than you..." she said with her hand in her face smiling.

"Man whatever, I'm in shape" I said pointing at my stomach.

She rolled her eyes and told me to get dressed cause we were about to go out. I dress usually how I would always dress. I put on some grey sweats and put on a matching shirt. I dug threw my moms closet to see if I could find my shoes that I always wear when we leave the house. Once I did, I did my hair like always. "That same messy bun huh?" my mom said pulling my hair "I'm pretty sure it needs to be a little bit more secure".

"You always worried about me ma" I said in annoyance putting back like it was. "I'm grown now. I can just get up and leave the place" I said joking. As we walked out the house she gave me a death stare and it kinda scared me not gonna lie. I smiled at her and she pinched my cheeks. "I swear whoever you get with will love that smile of yours".

We walked out to a deep part of the woods and she unlocked this vault that had all sorts of guns and explosives. She kept looking back at me like she was nervous. I was pretty concerned and confused as to why she had all these high class things in here.

"So like no one knows about this?" I asked her scratching my head. She grabbed a couple of things and turned around to pull me to her. She put this heavy backpack on my back and made me hold two guns. "This is a G7 Scout and this is a PeaceKeeper. A rifle and a shotgun" she said to me.

"My question though..?" I said raising my hand. "Don't worry about it, just follow me" I did as my mother said and I followed her to this shooting range. It was pretty open and it had an obstacle course. I gulped and looked at my mom as she was trying to code something on her phone. All of a sudden the dummies in the range started moving and loud gun shoots from some speaker I assume went off. "There we go" she said sighing. "Are you just gonna stand there? Go in there and start shooting and I'll meet you at the top of that watch tower" then she ran off towards it.

I had to go through a series of war like situations. I remember when my mom took her friends to a range kinda like this one and I tagged along. I remembered how she held her gun, so I copied and shot the gun. I was terrified because of how powerful it was as I jolted back.

"Don't kill yourself now!" I heard my mom say as she rode on a zip line to the top of that tower. I saw how far it was so I continued what I was doing. I started to get used to it and I stared sliding to each place one by one, all the while doing cool stuff, imagining running along side with two other squad mates. I knew deep down it was gonna happen.

"Bout time you showed up. Finna fall asleep on you" she said eating her lunch. I joined her as we took a break. Suddenly, something under us hit one of the legs on the tower. "Pay no mind to that. Probably those damn Flyers playing underneath this thing" she said nonchalantly.

I gulped at it and listened to her. She stood up and went to the other side and pulled me along with her. "Time to learn how to snipe your enemies. This takes a lot of skill and patience". She gave me what she called a Kraber. She toured me on the gun and told me everything about it. I looked at my mom zoning out realizing how much I really appreciate her for what she does for me. I couldn't imagine how life would be like if she never picked me up that one day. Oh yeah, I would have probably been dead. "Aight, time to shoot this baby" she hyped herself up and did a couple of shots herself before handing it to me.

I took hold of it as she moved my arms and body in the right way. I took my first shot and I thought I did pretty good. She smiled at me "You're a natural baby". Once again, the tower shook from said Flyers hitting against it. This time it didn't stop moving.

"Bianca we have to get off this thing now! I don't think its stable to hold mu-" before I could hear what she had to finish saying the tower we were on crumbled and fell in itself.

I groaned as I slowly took concrete and bricks off me. "How the hell did I survive this?" I thought. Before I could answer that question I heard my mom yelling my name. I quickly got up and limped over to her. I moved rocks and junk off her face but there was a thick slab of concrete that we couldn't move. I kept struggling to get it off her but it would budge as I looked in her eyes. "I can't move it! I can't!" I groaned as I still was trying.

"Stop, there's no use to keep trying. I'm just gonna have to die here.." my mom said giving up. "NO! There's still hope! I can move it!" I cried. She grabbed my arm and I stopped and looked at her. She caressed my face as I was balling. "Listen, I knew when I first met you I knew you were gonna be a bad ass fighter. I knew before we got here this all was gonna be natural to you. Its your dream to become one of those legends or whatever they're called. You'll be able to make me proud. I know you will" she said this all in a weakened voice.

I shook my head "You can't leave me ma..." my voice shaky. She looked at me one last time "Where I'm going I'll be fine. You'll be fine too. It'll be fine.." her grip loosened from my face and I screamed her name. In anger and all my possible strength, I picked up that slab of concrete and threw it. I was panicking and crying, trying to wake her up but nothing worked.

Instead of calling for help I crawled up beside her and laid there with her until it became dark. All the while, rain start falling. But I still stayed beside her body. Dead or alive she still was my mother and I wasn't gonna leave her.

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