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This part takes place two years later.

I was struggling to pull the couch up the stairs to Ajay's apartment. I know I'm strong, but I was weak because I was trying to impress everyone that was around but it clearly wasn't working. I got the couch outside the door and sat on the ground, my body sore.

I saw feet walking out the door and looked up knowing who it was. "Come on now, we got more work to do" she said holding her hand out. I grabbed it and we walked back down stairs. I saw Anita and Mokoa throwing boxes and cases of new furniture on the ground from a truck.

"Hey now come on!" Ajay said angry at them. They both froze "See I told you she was coming" I heard Anita say to him. I laughed I helped her down out the truck "Come on old body" I teased her. She stared at me and I smiled at her. She shook her head "Im not that old".

Anita was 40 years old but seriously looked like she could be my age. You wouldn't even think she was that old. I thought every age above 30 was old anyways. She got inside of the truck "You guys need anything else?" she asked us. Me and Ajay shook our heads. "Memba we got a get togetha dis evenin" Ajay reminded her.

Anita frowned "Oh yeah...thanks for reminding me" she gave us a smile before driving off with Makoa. I watched the truck go down the road until I didn't see it anymore. Ajay tapped my cheek "Come on, lets go inside, its hot out here" she pulled me by my shirt.

We continued to move our stuff in. The way the house was set up made me uncomfortable. Everything was facing the wrong way. While she was away, I rearranged the living room, dining room and kitchen, all the while trying to make it look the way she had it. My way looked better. I stood in front of the TV and turned one my game console and started scrolling through to find a game to play.

Ajay walked into the living room looking around. "What's dis about?" she looked over at me. I ignored her, pretending I didn't do anything. She walked over to me and pulled my hair. I winced and looked up at her. I looked back at the TV continued playing the game.

"Ow!" she pulled it again and I stood up "How about I pulled your hair..." I was about to do the same but I stopped and looked at her. The way she was dressed turned me on. She had her hair down with her iconic bandana on. She had a pink hoodie on and matching sweats. She looked real tasty in this outfit.

"Ya ready to go?" she said waving her hand in front of my face. I continued to look at her until she slapped me. "Yeah! Im sorry, I just...ow" I rubbed my cheek. She grabbed my hand and took me to her car. The whole way to the mall, I was day dreaming on what I could do to her tonight. It was making me excited that I laughed to myself.

The car stopped and I noticed we were at the mall. "Let's go husla, ya movin to slow for me" She said jumping out the car, looking excited to see our friends. I followed her trying to catch up.

We walked in and I got tackled onto the ground. It was Elliot and Octavio both on top of me. "Man what the hell guys" I didn't know if I wanted to be happy or pissed off at them.

They both got off me and Octavio helped me up "I can't wait to hang out with you guys" he said still holding onto me. I was thinking they were a little too happy to see me. Last time I saw them was two weeks ago. I saw the girls and walked over to them, dusting myself off.

"What else can you expect from them" Renee said. I smiled at her and pulled her into a hug. She hugged back. "Where should we go first guys?" Anita asked everyone.

"Ooo lets get some food!" Mokoa said.

"No, let's go actually shop for clothes" I insisted.

"Drugs..?" Octavio whispered.

"No! Y'know how about we just walk around and everyone can disperse to do whatever?" Natalie butted in.

"Sounds good to me. If you don't like the idea, leave" Anita said. I agreed with her along with everyone else. Elliot lead the way like he was a tour guide, proud at what he was doing. I stopped at a pop culture store since it caught my eye. "I'll catch up with you guys later" I said waving at them as they kept walking.

I walked in and took in the environment like I would do with my mom. A store attendant came up and asked if I needed any help and I shook my head as they walked away.

I heard a couple talking about something they saw on the shelves. I looked over at them and saw a man who looked middle aged. His girlfriend or wife walked away. I looked at him closely. He looked very familiar. Suddenly I had a flashback. It was Beau! It had to be.

I walked up to him "Cuse me...Is your name Beau?". He looked at me concerned "Yeah, how you know?". I was nervous "Its me Bianca. Like 20 years later".

He looked at me closely and recognized me. "Bianca!" he picked me up hugging me. Everyone was looking at us in the store "How are you still alive?" he put me down. We walked outside along with his girl. "This is Mia" he introduced me to her. I waved at her smiling. She realized who I was, looking surprised telling him I was the one he saw on the TV in the Apex Games.

"You're famous too?! This is crazy. Everyone would be happy to see you.." he looked down. I was confused as he put his hand behind his head "When you left, we lost a couple of our sisters and brothers. Old man and mom I guess got a hold of them while me, Berenice, Bri, Billy and Bailey left. We couldn't get the rest. I really don't know what happened to them".

Mia comforted him "It's okay baby". I know he felt guilty because he's the oldest and always tried to take care of us when we were younger. I told them about Dion and how she took me in until she passed away. "God bless that lady" Beau said. He's always been very religious.

Before he could ask me if I was following "Allah's teachings", I heard familiar voices behind us. I knew it was the legends as I heard Elliot talking out loud about his love towards Renee. I turned around "Hey you guys, I got someone for you to meet". I introduced them to Beau.

He was happy that I had another family about as big as all my 10 other siblings. "God bless you guys for keeping my sister this whole time" he said while his hands were together.

Ajay was very happy to meet him. I was scared that she was going to tell him we were dating and I felt like he was against it. "You're a very energetic girl, take care of my sister" Beau said smiling at me.

I was confused on how he knew already but that went to the back of my head. We all made our way to the entrance of the mall as Beau was telling the legends about me when I was younger. I couldn't remember what happened back then because I have amnesia, so I got embarrassed at some of the things he said about me.

Once we got to the entrance, the two had to leave "Well B, I gotta go. I'm pretty sure I'll see you again, take my number and call me if you need me" he handed me a paper before he left out the doors. I watched him walk away with Mia.

"I think that means its time for us to go too" Anita said. I watched everyone leave as we said our goodbyes to eachother. I grabbed Ajay's hand as we followed them.

"Ya brotha is pretty cool. Funny too" she laughed, looking up at me. I smiled at what she said, reminiscing about my childhood with him.

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