My First Game

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"I swear I've lost like 20 pounds already....can I just go shoot a gun now?" I said panting, talking to Anita. She's been working me out for what feels like forever. I wiped the sweat off my face and stretched out my back. "I don't know. Your performance wasn't satisfactory enough. But if you want to embarrass yourself tomorrow be my guest" she grunted at me about to walk out the gym. I didn't like the way that was said and I stopped her from walking away. "Okay, what else can I do so you can trust me cause I promise I'll do better". She looked back and laughed at me.

"Hmm fine. If you do everything my way, you'll be almost as good as me". I nodded and did what she told me to do for the next several hours.

Around the time we got finished, it was time for dinner. I was so happy because I haven't eaten all day. I quickly made my way to the cafeteria and sat down beside Elliot and Octavio. So far, these two, I could really hang with. "So how'd it go?" Elliot asked me. I looked at him and shrugged my shoulders. "I mean, I think I did good. I'm just really sore. And like really exhausted" I said yawning. Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around. Immediately, the drowsiness went away. Ajay was behind me with my dinner plate. "Ya can't be sleepy now right?" she handed the food to me. "Yeah of course not. I think it's just your presence around me" I said taking the plate from her. She laughed at what I said "Ya really sumthin else" she smiled and waved at me good night.

I just watched her walk out, swinging her hips, Doc following behind her. "Get your head outta the gutter Bianca" I heard Anita say. She shook her head grinning at me. I sat back down between Elliot and Octavio and we talked for the rest of night.

I woke up the next morning with a severe headache. I was on the floor under the cafeteria table. I crawled out from underneath it and saw my friends asleep around the same table. I rubbed my face and walked to my room. "So you were drinking last night?" I heard a familiar voice say. It was Renee. I blankly looked at her trying to process what she said. "Yeah sure. Isn't today important?" I asked her. She nodded "Yes. Today the games start. You should get ready. Find something cool to wear. Express yourself" she walked off down stairs.

I did what she said and went in my room. The headache was making its way outside my body as I was struggling to find something to wear. I found this tank hood in my closest, along with a long sleeved shirt, joggers and some shoes that looked good with the outfit. I put my mothers knife in my pocket and made sure I had on her shark tooth necklace. Before I walked out the door. I grabbed my favorite bandana and wrapped it around my head with the knot in front. I quickly hurried out the room and went to the area we had to drop from. I walked in and surprised I wasn't late. All the girls were in there along with Pathfinder.

"So am I late?" I walked up to Anita as she was looking at something on her wrist then she looked up at me. "Looks like me, you and Che are on a team together. This'll be something fun to watch" she closed what she was looking at and the rest on the guys same in. All of a sudden the drop ship doors open and I stepped back and looked down outside to see where we were. This is when I realized I might be afraid of heights.

"Now arriving at Kings Canyon" the announcer lady said through the speakers. Anita handed me a device that had a map on it. "Alright, I'm the jump master so get ready" she said as her and Ajay started walking back to get a heads start run before jumping out, I followed as I backed up. I watched for whenever they were about to start running, then they took off as we jumped out the ship. I closed my eyes and slowly opened them. Everything looked like it was in slow motion as I saw Mokoa, Octavio and Elliot on a team flying away from us. They looked like they were having great time flying hundreds of meters in the air.

As we got close to the ground, I mentally prepared myself. Once I was finally on solid ground I looked around and took in the environment. I quickly remembered what I was doing. I ran into a house and started picking up attachments, guns, then a backpack. I looked around to see where Anita and Ajay went. "Hey good job you aren't dead yet" I got startled as saw Anita in the door way of the building I was in. She gestured me to hurry up as we weren't in the ring. I followed both of them and looked up. I saw two huge leviathans, one hovering over us. "Aren't ya glad those tings don't use the restroom on us?" Ajay said in a childish voice. I smiled at her and was in a trance once again as I swore my eyes turned heart shaped.

I snapped out of it and focused on what I was doing. We both followed Anita, knowing she knew her way around the place, as me and Ajay talked. We came up to a cave and looted some houses and relaxed outside them, still paying attention to what was going on just in case someone decided to sneak up on us. "I love sitting here whenever I can. Its peaceful when there's no fighting around. Just take in the surroundings and look at the view" Anita said as she sat down beside the two of us. I never thought she was that type of person to talk about nature like that.

Ajay stood up, stretched and went to go look for some loot herself. "Yeah the view is pretty and all but we got this beauty standing right here in front of us" I said making a flirtatious face. Anita rolled her eyes at me and scrolled through the map on her wrist to make sure we were in the ring. I over heard Ajay laugh at what I said "Ya such a mess I tell you". I looked at her come out the building and she handed me some ammo I asked for earlier.

While I was taking the stuff she was giving me, a sniper bullet rang past my ears as I quickly got up. "We should move. I'm not trying to see what a bullet feels like right now!" I stumbled on my feet and I ran and hid behind a rock. Anita took her Sentinel out and started picking them off one by one as they started pushing towards us. Ajay had Doc out as he healed Anita, and she was also shooting them too. I had a Flatline and an R-99. The team was still too far for me to precisely shoot because I didn't have a scope.

While I was trying to make a decision on what to do, I got shot on the shoulder. I grunted as the bullet went through my amour and cracked me instantly. I remembered that Anita gave me flash bangs while we were working on my aim last night. I took out one out and threw it over to the team fighting us. I heard that clinking sound, letting me know it went off.
"It hit them!" I yelled at the two but then saw that Mokoa was about to finish Anita off. I ran over to them and hit him in the face with the butt of my gun, knocking him down. I looked over at him to make sure he didn't have a gold knockdown shield and ran over to Ajay fighting the last two. I quickly pulled out my hammer and spun it around to get some momentum going. I aimed and threw it towards Elliot and Tavi. They were stunned by the vibrations and had trouble moving. The force was so strong that it knocked Elli.

"My first kill...!" I thought. I cheered to myself with my hands up and suddenly the sledgehammer came back into my right hand. With my strength, I didn't fall over from me catching it. I walked over to Elliot smiling at me "I told you would be good at this. I'll see you back on the drop ship" then his death box appeared and it seemed that he teleported back. This let my know that Ajay killed Octavio.

I quickly went to Anita as she was bleeding out and revived her. "Hey you're not that bad" she said as the three of us went to the next ring.

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