Chapter 2: 2012 ( Little Blood Sucker )

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"You're a half blooded Demon"

I looked straight to her eyes.

"Alam mo naman siguro kung paano magalit ang demonyo"

She chuckled...And licked the back of my hand. The f*ck? I composed myself and acted like it was nothing.

" I don't want to provoke you... Master "

"What are you...really?"

I asked with disgust and confusion on my face.

"I can be anything... I could be anything you want. I can be your pet, meow "

She continued to lick the back of my hand. Pinakawalan ko ang kanyang leeg at patagong pinunasan yung kamay ko. I disgustingly looked at her. She was gonna come near me so I had to push her away. It was more force full than I intended. I was going to check on her but then she said.

"I love pain. More please"

She continued on and kneeled on front of me.

" I'm not your Jesus "

"I don't pray to Jesus"

"Lets just cut the chase. Ano ba talaga ang gusto mo Airalyn?"

"I want to be your girl Gray"

I scoffed. She is not the first crazy one to ask me this exact lunatic wish.

"What is it for me then?"

"You get to have me."

I moved in closer to her.

" I only want someone who tastes good"

She went closer and at binuksan yung unang button ng uniform nya. I watched her do the second. And then the third. I can almost see her undergarment.


I went closer and caressed her breast. She whimpered a little. Weak. As she was getting turned on, my sharp nails grew and I sliced a cut on her neck. I licked the blood on my nails.

"Hmmmm, not bad "

" Did I passed? "

"Yeah. For now..."

She squealed. Excited. As she buttoned her uniform I walked out and disappeared. I appeared in my room and immediately changed my clothes. Napahiga na muna ako sa higaan and thought about that Airalyn girl. Its been a while since a little girl played with a demon. Matagal na ding di ako nakipaglaro ahh. This might be fun. I'd like to know something about my new playmate. From the bookshelf I grabbed my book. They call it Omnes Scientes, I just prefer to call it my book. This book only works for creatures with non human blood inside them.I scribbled her name on a blank page. All her information started to appear on the white clean sheet dedicated just for her.

She had a tad drops of a weak demon's blood on her system.
No wonder she have a peculiar gift. Pesky humans tryna have a deal with demons always end up with a weird product like that girl. Still stupid humans kept being stupid.Natatawa ako sa mga p*ta nila. When will they learn? I closed the book smiriking to myself knowing things just got interesting for me and went downstairs.

"Oh Gray kumain kana"

Bati sa akin ni nanay. I know. Kahit demonyo ako may konting respeto pa din ako sa mga demonyong nagpalaki sakin.

"Asan si tatay nay?"

"Pa uwi na rin yon."

Palagi rin naman yung huling umuwi. Nag umpisa na akong kumain. Pagkatapos ay bumalik na ko sa kwarto ko. I laid for a while. Thinking about my past and predicted my future. I used to predict easily. My vision is always clear and precise. I just need to pass another decade and im done with all this shit. But as I try to oversee my future it started to become blurry. Ashes are clouding my vision. That's different. It never happened before. I think i just need to sleep this off.

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