Estaire ( Bottled Soul )

17 4 0

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Selene's voice echoed all throughout the moon kingdom which awoken me from my deep slumber.

Her serene light airy voice played a melodic tune that can be heard across the vast skies.

It sounded like a sweet weeping.

Something must be up.

I jolted upright and took my resting shotgun beside me.

Within split seconds, I transported myself inside Selene's study.

"dea quid ploras?"

["My Goddess why are you weeping?"]

Selene is on her balcony looking down on Earth.

Her ethereal beauty shines underneath her moonlight.

Her pallid skin sparkles the way the midnight stars dazzles.

Her youth and beauty is well preserved and blooms the best during the full moon.

Her long blonde silky hair as well as her flowy chiffon fairy-like dress swayed accordingly to zephyr.

" My son will return soon..."

Her voice had this subtle hint of worry.

I placed my gun on the ground leaning to the wall and went behind her back and gently hugged her shoulders from behind.

Selene has been like a mother to me ever since I existed.

She nurtured me to my full potential and trained me well especially in the arts of defense.

I sighed as I caressed her arm.

It pains me to see her worry about Gray.

That sick F*ck!

He is always up to no good.

Suddenly, a ball of fire rifted through The distant cluster of dimmed clouds.

It send off a screeching sound as it travelled across the air and exploded just as it was seconds before it hit the castle's roof.

"That F*cker almost hit us! "

I grabbed my shot gun and aimed it on the distance.

Selene pat my gun as if to tell me to put it down.

I groaned in defiance and slowly put it down and donned the sling instead letting my gun rest behind me.

" Calm down, he just needs some help. That's all..."

Selene walked towards the long white bench and laid in it as she rest her head in a white silk pillow.

" I swear I'm gonna shoot his brain if he do something stupid."

"Non vult."
["He will not....."]

I poured her a glass of white wine and handed it to her.

"Anyway, I'll stand on guard."

I bowed after her and proceeded to march away.

I hid myself in the low lit corner of the room behind the massive silk curtain.

Ilang minuto ang lumipas at narinig ko ang mga yapak patungo sa pintuan.

Kumatok siya ng tatlong beses na siyang tinugunan naman ni Selene.

"venient in placet,"

[" come in please"]

He pushed the glass doors open.

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