2014 ( Daybreak's bell)

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"Whoaaaah easy there!"

I almost shot her.

"What the hell are you doing here Lilia!?"

"Diba! I told you that I'll see you later"

I put the crossbow down but still kept my door halfway through open in a defence stance.

" Do you even know what time is it?"

She briefly checked her wristwatch and answered.


" Kalahating gabi na tsaka kababae mong tao nasa labas kapa. "

She scoffed.

" You should be thanking nga na andito ako. I tried hard kaya to fit you in my tight schedule. So will you let me in or not?"

I groaned in defiance and doubt for a moment.

But then I backed up and let her in.

"How did you manage to find this place anyway".

" I asked Ms. Fe what your address is. Actually di niya nga alam exactly but she told me to look in this area. So nag bike lang ako until I found it."

Its not that convincing for me.

She was looking around the house as she continued to walk right pass through me.

"Alam ba ng magulang mo na andito ka ngayon?"

" Yeah, I let them know. . ."

She answered as she sat on the sofa.

"And they are ok with it?"

I asked as I was closing the door.

" Yeah they trust me wala din naman silang choice."

I turned around and faced her.

"Why so?"

" Nasa ibang bansa sila ngayon, business related reasons. I told them kanina before I left habang nag skype kami where I was going and why so I'm all good. Eh Ikaw? Asan yung parents mo? "

I placed the crossbow on top of the coffee table in front of her.

"Wala sila dito ngayon, nag out of town."

Matipid kong sagot.

" Oh, ok. Well umpisahan na nating mag plano. "

I sat parallel to her.

She pulled out a notebook from her bag.

I did not even noticed she had a bag.

She opened it and laid on the table inches away my crossbow.

She also took out an eyeglass case and popped it open.

She wore the same black rimmed glasses and started to flip over the pages of her notebook.

She looked at it and looked at me.

"Well, you need to see this..."

I sighed and moved next to her.

"So eto na, I planned your schedule. You have 30 papers na kailangan mong gawin. You're lucky kasi the due of all of this paper is by the end of the month. "

She pointed at the labeled calendar illustrated on one of the page.

"So you have to finish one paper per day."

"Easy, I can do that."

"But! I need to be with you habang ginagawa mo yung paper."

"Ok whatever we can do this at school after dismissal."

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