2014 ( Achilles Heel )

12 4 0

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She closed her eyes.

She actually looks cute.

Even if her hair is kinda messy and she had no make up on, her clear skin and subtly pinkish lips suits her bubbly yet childish personality.

I decided to amaze her.

I accumulated enough heat inside my palm and made a ball of fire.

"Open your eyes..."

Her pupils dilated and her mouth was wide open.

"Woooooaaaaahhh you're like a walking bonfire!"

She extended her arm and hovered next to my palm.

"Its soooooo cozy. "

I just smiled looking at her.

"Not too close tho, I'm pretty hot. "

I smirked.

She just raised her eyebrows in disbelief of my humor.

"You wish..."

She scoffed.

I just laughed.

"Wait ... May maganda akong idea!!! Meron ka bang marshmallows?"

I nodded.

"Mag toast tayo ng marsallows!!!"

For thousands of years of my existence I have come to the point where a mere human being wants to toast marshmallows on me as if she is casually camping.

" Pretty pleaasseeee ..."

She asked, pouting.

Amp*ta parang bata talaga ei.

I just shook my head on defeat.

"Ok fine, i'll go get some. Stay put!"

She just chuckled and nodded.

I made my way downstairs.

Now, where did I stashed that bag of marshmallows?


I opened the mounted cabinets on the wall.

Its not there.

Maybe inside the fridge.

I opened it and did not find it.

Damn where is it?

I opened the lower cabinets and found it lying next to our cookie jar.

That's so random.

I took it out and grabbed some forks when i heard a loud thud from upstairs.

My heartbeat raced so bad as I made my way back as fast as I could.

I found Lilia on the floor trying to crawl back to the bed.

I placed the stuff I had in hand on my desk and went over to her.

"I'm sorry ...I was just..."

I carried her back to bed.

She was teary eyed and kind of apologetic herself.

"It's ok Lilia, but don't do it again... "

I fixed the comforter and placed a pillow on her back as she leaned on the headboard.

"Bakit di ko magalaw yung mga paa ko?"

She asked.

" Soul's blood is lethal to humans, your body needs time to heal Lilia... "

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