2014 (Virtual game)

9 4 0

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Why is she looking at me?

Now I'm more piqued.

Now I can't seem to stop this stupidity and simply let it go.

I have to do something.

Binuksan ko ulit yung laptop.

I went back to Facebook and decided to send her a message.

" Hey."

If she replies, there is no going back.

Immediately a notification came in.

" Hey setsuna 😇"

She replied.

We are both doomed now.

I took a photo of her phone and sent it to her.

She instantly replied.

"OH MY GOD!!! YOU HAVE MY PHONE 😱😱😍. You can keep it Setsuna if you want but pwede ba akong humingi sayo ng favor?"

"What kind of favor?"

"Can you send me one photo in my album? The one with my half face in it please 🥺 "

I went to her album and duplicated the photo.

My evil ass just had an idea.

Then I sent her a photo.

"What the hell 😠😠😠 why'd you do that !?!? "

I laughed as I stared at the cropped photo I sent her.

I sent exactly the half of her face.

All fun and games until I froze as she started to video call me.

Almost instantly I declined it.

I don't want this game over soon.

"Please answer it. "

She rang my account again to which I declined.

I sent her a message hoping that she would stop.

"Don't worry Lilia, I did not delete it.... yet."

" Ano bang kailangan mo sakin.?"

"I just want to play a game... "

"🥺 I'll do what ever you want just give me a copy of that photo. "

"What's so special about that photo anyway?"

"I'll tell you when you sent it to me 😉"

Damn two can play this game.

"I won't send it until you play my game."

"😵 What kind of game do you want me to play anyway?"

"Its simple. Guess who I am then i'll give it back to you. "

"EASY! 😊 I know who you are!!"

I scoffed.

Does she even really know?

"Then tell me exactly who am I"

" You are Setsuna F. Seiei "

Really? This one is so childish.

" Wrong."

"But you are! "

"Well i'm not."

"Give me at least Three clues."

"Just one."

"🥺🥺🥺 But..."


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