Lilia ( Shackled )

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I woke up feeling nice and energetic.

My sight roamed around his room, he is nowhere to be found. 



His deep groan came out from his bathroom.

"Good Morning ... Stay put Lilia, I'll be out in a second."

"Good morning ... Stay put ok?"

I heard the sound of the shower stream down as he responded.


I retorted back.

I yawned and stretched my arms.

They are still kind of wobbly.

Bigla naman ako nauhaw.

I looked on the night stand and just like I expected there is a glass of water.

I moved closer and extended my arm.

I grabbed it and as I was to drink, it slipped off my grip.

Water splashed all over my clothes and into Gray's bedsheet.

On top of that... the glass fell on the floor and broke.

Immediately the shower stopped and Gray fumbled out.

His hair was soaking wet  as he stride across the room with just a bath towel covering his lower half.

Oh my God.

He's dead drop gorgeous.

My reflex kicked in and my hand covered my eyes.

"What happened Lilia?"

He sounds kind of angry..

But I couldn't tell how angry he is because I just can't lay my eyes back to his perfectly chiseled torso.

" Nauuhaw lang ako tapos ... "

I was waiting for him to growl at me for being so stupid and and clumsy when I heard him pick up the pieces of the glass.

"I'm sorry Gray..."

He stayed quite as he picked each pieces and gather them inside a small trashcan.

Tumalikod siya saakin habang patuloy niyang pinupulot yung mga malalaking piraso.

Pinanood ko lang siyang mag linis habang naka tuwalya parin siya.

When he finished, he took the trashcan with him and left me without saying anything.

Hala baka nagalit talaga siya sakin.

Yan kase ang bobo mo talaga Lilia.

Sinabihan ka na ngang wag magalaw tapos ewan ko ba automatic na nakakagawa ng rason yung utak ko para gumawa ng kapalpakan.

Kainis naman oh.

Basang basa pa rin yung damit ko ramdam ko din yung basa hanggang sa mismong kama ni Gray.

Paano na to?

I bit the tip of my nails to help my scrambled mind focus.

Sinubukan kong bumaba ng kama.

Damn my legs won't even move.

I was trying to pull away the soaked sheet off my leg when Gray entered his room.

Automatic nilayo ko yung tingin ko sa kanya.

Nakalimutan nya bang nakatuwalya lang siya?

It doesn't even bother him a bit.

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