Chapter 6: 0000 (Oust)

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My heart froze and shattered to a million pieces. Before my eyes stood one of the most beautiful person I've laid my eyes on. She is pale as ever. She doesn't look like she belong here in the underworld. She smiled. A particular smile with a hint of pain. She handed me a black apple.

"Paborito mo."

I took her hand and clasped it against mine.

" You don't look happy Alejandria. "

" I am. You have returned to me."

We stood for a while looking at each others eye. Searching for lost words. Slowly I run my left hand to her blonde hair.

"Anong nangyari sa buhok mo.?"

" Its one of the things I had to give up just to permanently stay here Gray. My raven black hair which was full of life was my ticket to hell ."

A teardrop ran down her cheek.

"I waited for you. I waited a whole millennium for you gray. "

" You did not wait enough".

Sadness washed over my voice. The odd did not favored me at all. It would probably never will. Among several pet I had in the past, Alejandria was the first half blooded demon that did not just served me, but made me feel less a demon and more of a human.

"Remember when we used to exist at the very same time on earth? When the world war just started.

You promised me a life with just the two of us here on the underworld where human's foolishness do not exist as we look down over their pitiful fiery death. We would sip martinis on one of Hades' balcony living the life as his heir to the throne. "

"I still do."

"That's why I gave up everything when you vanished that ill fated day. You were no where on the face of the Earth. I left what my life was going to be and wished to spend it with you. I bet I was the only half human who wished to live in hell. "

" What a stupid human. "

We both chuckled. But her face filled with sadness once more.

"But you were already gone by the time I entered the kingdom of Hades. It broke my heart. I realized that the time on earth was entirely different in here. A day on earth is a thousand years in hell. My heart grew weary. Hades told me that you'll be stuck on earth. You can't get back unless you fulfilled your prophecy.
I waited for you until the day Hades told me I can no longer stay in hell as his guest. A half blooded demon with no purpose will eventually disintegrate into ashes. I was left with no choice. Ash took the advantage of my situation and offered me marriage..."

" That bastard. . . "

I growled. She tighten her hold of me.

" As his wife I had the privilege to stay in hell. Then I found out I wasn't the only wife he had. . . "

" Cuz the f*cking bastard married every half blooded demon who served me. "

" My mistake kept pilling up on top of the other. I thought I could never have enough strength to ever face you again but here I am, I'm sorry Gray."

She surrendered and sobbed on my chest. I felt her heavy heart pour it's soul on me. It pains me to see someone I hold valuable shed tears as if she carried all the pain on earth.

I gently wiped her tears away. Her pale cheeks became warm as I moved closer to her lips. She closed her eye when . . .

"I guess you have met my new wife."

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