2014 (Foul Mouth)

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I slumped on the floor kneeling beside her lifeless body.

Sweat and tears mixed in the surface of my skin.

Nanginginig pa yung buong katawan ko sa galit at inis na nadarama ko.

I released her arm from being shackled and held it against my cheek.

"Lilia, kung naririnig mo ko, please bumalik kana... Please. "

Still, nothing.

She is in too deep in her worst nightmare already, she won't hear me yearning for her to come back anymore.

Her lips are starting to lose its reddish color.

Her skin is paler than ever.

I'm too late.

I can no longer physically revive her back.

I balled my hands into fists.

I have no choice left but to seek for help.

I'll be f*cking damned but I'm afraid I have to swallow my pride in order to save Lilia.

I restore my composure and wiped my face dry.

I released her from the remaining cuffs and fixed her ruffled hair.

I smooth out the blanket on top of her and planted a kiss on her forehead.

I proceeded to change my clothes and wore a formal suit below my jet black robe.

I donned my quiver and brought the Oust and my own crossbow.

Before I left I kneeled down once again beside her resting body.

I gently kissed the back of her hand and looked at her, memorizing every feature on her face.

Her feathery eyebrows, long and curvy lashes, not-so-pointy but somehow cute nose, her pouty lips and her rosy but now pallid skin.

"I'll be back with your soul Lilia, stay put ok?"

I tried my best and smiled even though she wouldn't see.

I stood up and disappeared.


Absolute darkness surrounded me as soon as I reached the gates of the Kingdom of Moon.

I sparked a ball of fire in my palm and threw it in the seemingly endless void.

"Lunam quis luce clarius dea?"

["who dares to light brighter than the Goddess of Moon?"]

A dark deep voice guarding the void demanded in old latin tongue.

"Gray Orcus, Princeps inferis regnum, et luna."

["Gray Orcus, The prince of the Underworld and the Kingdom of the Moon"]

I responded as I stand firmly.

Clanking and creaking sound of the metal gate proceeded as the pitch black gate opened before me.

My mother still greets her visitors the ancient way, she never ever changes.

Unti unting nabalot ng liwanag mula sa buwan ang paligid.

The clouds littered everywhere reflected the moonlight coming from her castle sitting on top of piled clouds.

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