2014 ( Sharpy Thing )

14 4 0

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"So are you ready to get your mind F*cked?"

Lilia looked hesitant at first but then she said.

"Yes Gray I'm ready. "

I took out  a tiny glass bottle with some soul blood in it.

"Remember this?"

Kumunot yung noo niya.

I offered it to her so she could take a closer look.

"Uhm .... Di ko alam kung ano ba talaga yan but it looks like mercury or parang melted na gallium..."

"Actually that is the reason why you're here.... The reason we are both trapped in this bubble. "

Then her face turned pale.

"E-eto ba yung nasa water bottle mo?"

I nodded.

"Ano ba talaga to?"

" It's the blood of a soul."

She looked confused.

" You see, when a human dies its soul separates from the body.

Well according on the law of nature souls will find their own ways to their final resting place but then most of them are stubborn and continue to wonder on the surface of the Earth. "

" I thought souls are just plain souls... Eh bat may ganito sila?"

"Think of their blood as their energy source. They can't last here on earth without their blood circulating in their system."

"So paano nila nasu-sustain yung blood nila?"

I chuckled a bit.

This girl just comes up with questions on top of questions.

" Well, they feed on human greed mostly. They can also feed on anger, fear, insanity, negativity and sadness."

She was about to utter a follow up question when i cut her off.

"Masyado ka nang curious about sa nature ng mga galang kaluluwa Lilia. You are off the course of our main topic."

"They sound interesting kasi. . . "

"You are asking the wrong questions."

" What questions should Iask you then? ..."

I went closer to her.

"Start with 'Why do I have a bottle filled with some random silver blood."

She felt quite threaten.

She kind of move an inch away from me.

I bet she thinks I switch mood too fast.

"Why do you have a bottle filled with some random silver blood?."

She repeated.

"Its my staple food... Usually. "

Her hand gripped the sheet.

"What are you exactly?"

I smirked.

"A Demon."

Her expression was the opposite of what I anticipated.

It was as if she was released of something that puzzled her for a long time.

It was an expression that I have never seen on someone's face.

Is it what they called "a feeling of fulfillment"?

She moved closer to me.

I stayed rigid as she threw her wimpy arms around my neck.

I was stunned and completely confused.

Why on earth is she hugging me???

I was going to move but she tightened the hug.

" I'm not afraid of you..."

I slowly breathe, intoxicated by her scent.

We stayed like it for what I thought was an eternity.

It was the most strangest thing I have ever felt.

It was so strange but then it felt somehow . . .good.

As she was letting go of me, she did the same thing like she did the same that night.

She extended her arm on top of my head.

She looked at ease.

She is smiling at me actually.

As if she is comforting me.

I'm freaked out by her gesture but then I stayed rigid and did not show as much emotion as her.

She extended her other arm as well as if she was caressing something on top of my head.

I took both of her arms with my grip and asked.

" What the hell are you doing Lilia?"

I sternly said.

"I'm just trying to reach it. "

I looked at her with confusion.

"What are you trying to reach?"

I know for a fact there is nothing on top of my head except of course my hair.

she smirked chuckled a bit as if she thought I was just kidding.

"Don't be silly Gray... Don't you see it yourself ?"

I was just baffled with confusion.

" What is it exactly Lilia . . .

Tell me what do you F*cking see. . ."


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