2014 (change of mind )

13 4 2

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And i thought Hades was finally becoming a decent parent once and for all.

I spoke too soon.

Wala nang mas demonyo pa sa hari ng Impyerno.

Ewan ko ba kung anung pumasok sa kokote niya at pinili nya akong ibalik dito sa mundo a year later.

Bakit doon sa playground? At bakit doon pa sa harap ng babaeng yun?

Anu ba naman yan, p*tnagina talaga yang Hades na yan.

Because of him I missed a whole f*cking school year.

I just literally found out about it after I reached our house and changed my clothes.

On top of it all, hindi pa nakakabalik sina nanay at tatay.

Di  manlang ako nakapagtanong kay Hades kung asan yung dalawang yun.

Amp*ta talaga kasi ni ash.

I was so occupied with hatred and annoyance to the point where there was a lot of things i forgot to consider.

Ni hindi ko man lang sila nakita sa underworld.

I'm starting to get worried.

Anyways malalakas namang mga demonyo yung mga yun.

I have nothing to worry about.

At least now I have the house all to myself.

I shook my head and thrashed all my thoughts and sat on my desk next to my bed.

I opened my laptop and checked my emails.

And sure enough it was littered by emails from the school. I replied to each one with the intent of reporting tommorow to resume being a student.

This sounds like a lot of work to do.

I sighed and slumped to my chair.

Then I remembered that girl.

Was it Lilia right?

I typed her name in our school portal and found her profile.

There  is nothing really much in it except her address.

She doesn't live that far from here huh.

I took my dirty black clothes that I wore earlier and fished out something in my pocket.

It was her phone.

She dropped it when she ran away from me.

I chuckled again at the thought.

I immediately realized i look stupid and shrugged.

Her phone screen lit up.

The first thing i saw was an anime guy.

Its probably Setsuna Seiei from the anime series Mobile Suit Gundam 00.

I'm not a weeb ok, sometimes I just like to watch some anime and indulge in human... things.

Of course she have a password.

What could her password be though?

I typed in a couple basic things about her.

Her name, address, school ID, and even her birth month and all was rejected.

I stared at her lock screen for a moment.

She could not be that serious right?

I typed setsuna.

And just like magic her home screen appeared.

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