-0000- ( House Crasher )

12 4 0

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"Shoot me then you'll lose your petty girl's soul to a puddle of this half...ass...witch's blood"

Estaire's flare stings and even pierces demon's flesh.

Her glinting eyes has always paired well with her circular puffy face framed by her jet-black shoulder length hair.

Her flowy black and pink ombre knee length dress did not help her look as if she had authority at all.

Even if she is trying to look tough and and mad in front of me, I could still see the little girl I used to always tease, she'll always be a female sibling I wished for but never had.

"Ok you've got me."

I offered her shotgun back and raised my free hand in legit surrender this time.

She scoffed and raised her eyebrows in annoyance.

She even look more cute doing that shit.

I laughed inside my brain but remained my composure.

She swing her arms in the sling and let her gun hang by her shoulder.

She nodded at Selene as if asking a permission to leave and did a full 180° and disappeared.

I look back at selene with confusion.
Did Estaire just walked out on me just now?

how dare she.

" You should not get on Estaire's wrong foot. We both know she is the only one who can help you this time. "

She smiled at me and continued to sip her wine.

I walked towards her and gently poured wine into the glass she was holding.

" Where did she even go ?"

She gave me a half smile as she tilted her head towards me.

" You'd know..."

And she proceeded to sip more.

Nothing goes out from Selene's mouth that makes sense.

She always make my brain work with her impossible riddles.

Her humour is something else.

Something I could never point my fingers to.

Regardless I left her study and disappeared.

Then it hit me, Of course! Where else would Estaire be!

I transported myself where I thought she would be.

There she is, her gun laying beside her as she sits on an edge of a cliff made of dense clouds which reflects the twinkle of the stars overlooking the earth.

Her legs curled up as she embraced herself.

The thin air stirred her silky strands of hair as she stayed quite, immobile.

She have probably sensed my presence yet she did not move regardless.


She did not respond or even moved.

She kept ignoring me.

I walked towards her and sat down a feet away from her.


I tried once more but to no avail. Nag -iinarte lang to siguro.

" Stop Dicking around Esteria... You're not a kid anymore..."

" Look who's talking. You're more a Dick than I am Gray Orcus you F*cking Dickhead."

She hissed through her teeth.

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