Final Chapter (End...)

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My feelings are all over the place...
She left me here with ashes and fire...
My brain has been running round and round...
I'm almost out of breath ...


It's been several weeks since Ash caused a major ruckus that left everything here out of proportion.

Estaire is doing fine.

Before she passed out from the arrow she took for me, I brought her back to Selene just in time to give her an antidote and be saved

It would be the end of me if it didn't went well with Estaire.

She's the only one I care for more than anything now.

Estaire and I have been living together here on Earth for almost a week now.

Her wound is almost healed and she almost regain her energy which she uses for the sole purpose of annoying me and decorating her room.

We've been doing a major clean up here in the house.

Estaire is busy installing LED lights in her room while I'm here in mine sorting out the stuff that Lilia left.

It took me days before Estaire succeeded to persuade me to clean up Lilia's stuff here in my room where I kept my self isolated... and mainly thinking about her.

Back when she was recovering I took a lot of her things from their house so that she could have access to them.

She's probably wondering how to get these back because of what happened.

So I got this huge box where I'm putting her clothes in.

I can still smell her scent as I folded her uniform and placed it inside.

I've been struggling with controlling myself lately.

Our separation has been the hardest thing I've dealt with compared to all of my past relationships.

But just like what Estaire have been telling me nonstop...

" Don't force it when the pieces don't fit... wait for the perfect piece that will complete your puzzle."

I'm almost done packing her stuff when i remembered that I still got her phone.

So I went over to my desk and unlocked the drawer i was hiding it in.

Of course I had it turned off when she was here so I decided to turn it on and place it next to my phone.

I went back to the box and placed the her stuffed toys in when suddenly I heard a my phone ringing.

I rolled my eyes thinking it was just probably Estaire who kept doing prank calls on my phone cuz she thinks I'm too lonely.

Why did I even bought her a phone to begin with? I'm an idiot for not thinking of the consequences that followed.

I grunted as I pick up my phone.

To my surprise it's an unknown number.

Unconsciously, I tapped the screen and answered the phone.

" Gray? Hello..."

I almost dropped my phone when I heard her voice.

" Lilia... Yeah its me. "

My mind went blank and didn't know what to do.

" Uhm... I just called because I felt very guilty leaving on such a wrong note..."

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