2014 ( Scythe )

9 4 0

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" Someone is penetrating the bubble...

Someone wants to get in."

The ashes fell more rapidly.

I can even see some crack forming on the surface of the bubble.

Whoever is outside has a very powerful weapon.

It'll be a couple of minutes till the bubble completely crack open.

I could not afford for it to completely burst.

It will take a toll on Lilia's health and I won't let that happen.

" Dito ka na muna Lilia.... I'll go check who the f*ck it is..."

She nodded in response.

I grabbed my crossbow and went downstairs.

I closed the door behind me.

The bubble started to crack even more and I know any second from now it will rapture.

I have no other choice.

I waved my hand in the air and let a temporary passage appear on the surface of the bubble.

F*ck it...

Whatever it is...
I would have to kill it inside.

I aimed my crossbow directly to the passage.

I hear a metal being dragged on the concrete floor.

Its coming towards the passage .

I tightened my grip on the crossbow as my finger rest on the trigger.

Its dawn outside which makes it hard for me too see the approaching figure

As soon as i saw an arm pass by the passage I instantly shot it.

The arrow pierced across the figure's arm.

Blood splattered on the ground.


A female voice cried in pain.

It sound so familiar.

She withdraw her hand back and tossed a sword inside the passage.

The metal clanked against the ground.

I looked closer at it through my crossbow's scope.

My heart beat raced.

It's Ash's golden sword.

That motherf*cker.

" One wrong move and I'll fucking shoot you on the chest f*cker..."

I growled.

" That motherf*cker is not here Gray... It's me..."

I steadied my aim as the figure immerged inside.

The figure is wearing a black dress topped with a black robe.

She pulled down the hood of her robe and revealed herself.

"What are you doing here Airalyn?"..

I asked, my crossbow still aimed at her.

She was going to take further steps towards me when I shot the ground before her.

"I won't think twice and I'll shoot you..."

Her expression saddened.

" I just came here for you Gray... "

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