Chapter 3

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It was the next morning and again Yeosang saw jongho in his bed, he wasn't complaining he loved this side of his dongsaeng as he never really had any contact outside of his family.

Sighing Yeosang got out of bed and got dressed today they had a lucky free day and he wanted to see if everyone would go to the amusement park.

It's been a while since he's gone there so he thought the others would enjoy it. So while he was getting dressed he remembered to ask everyone after breakfast knowing some won't be awake until then.

After he got his shirt on he turned around only to notice jongho sitting up in the bed dazed, he giggled behind his hand and walked towards the younger male.

"jongho, go take a shower it's almost time for breakfast" Yeosang said and the younger male yawned and followed his hyung orders. Once he returned he was fully awake and was quickly getting dressed, not caring if Yeosang was in the room, who by this chance was blushing profusely behind his hands. Once jongho was done he turned towards the door and walked to it and going downstairs to get his breakfast. Yeosang was still in the room blushing. After a few more seconds Yeosang got up and rushed downstairs to get his breakfast and surprisingly everyone was awake except mingi and yunho.

The boys just started eating remembering to save some for their remaining members and did their own thing.

After an hour, Yeosang noticed yunho came into the room slightly limping and mingi came in afterwards perfectly fine. He was confused but left it alone and waited for the two to finish eating before he started his plan.

"hey guys since today is our day off how about we go to an amusement park?" Yeosang said and that caught everyone's attention. They all nodded and got up to change before heading to the van and going to the amusement park.

They got to the park early enough so they can go on every ride and they all got tickets. They went on multiple rides before they only had the roundabout left, so they paired up and went on it.

Yeosang and jongho were happy when they paired up and enjoyed their time. They teased each other and laughed playfully truly enjoying this to the point they forgot about the others who just watched the two males with smiles on their faces.

As the rides came to a close the boys headed home and enjoyed the rest of their day off.

Tomorrow they were performing a new song and were starting the music video productions at noon tomorrow.

Once the boys got home they all separated to do their own thing.

Wooyoung and yunho playing on the console now with mingi and San watching them.
Seonghwa was cleaning the kitchen as dishes were abandoned this morning and hongjoong was in his room working.

Yeosang was sat on his bed watching YouTube again and also reading, something he rarely does, but today he stumbled across Fanfiction and got hooked instantly, it was obviously jongsang and so he decided to make an account, not giving away his name or any info before he started writing his own from a fantasy he had.

It wasn't long until he got reads and tons of followers which made him feel better and continue this new thing. (I wish😑)

After he updated the first book with another chapter he turned his phone over to YouTube to watch more of fans videos. Enjoying them thoroughly.

This continued until Jongho entered the room and he rushed to change the video. Jongho just shrugged at this wierd behaviour and got into his Pyjammas and getting into bed to play on his phone.

Yeosang locked his phone and headed for a shower, trusting jongho enough to leave his phone behind.

As he went into the shower jongho decided he would see what his hyung was so panicked about coming across notifications for an app called wattpod, he didn't touch them but downloaded the app on his phone getting an account and following Yeosangs, you may think he would be wierded out but he was the opposite he was flattered Yeosang thought of him that way and didn't know that said male was gay or at least bi sexual.

He grinned and returned to his position once he heard the water shut off.  Jongho surfed the app for more books on their ship and endelved himself into the fandom.

Once the clock struck 10pm the boys decided they should sleep and did but Jongho snuck into Yeosangs bed once again.

Tomorrow is going to be a fun day jongho thought as he layed his head besides Yeosangs and fell depoer into sleep.

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