Chapter 16

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Trigger warning : smuttish, torture, kidnapping. Possessive behaviour. And more like this if you don't want to read please don't force yourself. Skip to the next chapter as this is mostly a filler.

A week passed since that vlive and now everything changed.

He knew that good things never last, he should have expected this but he didn't.

Here he is laying tied up onto a bed in a cold hollow room, the room was made of stone and constant dripping of water made it all the more creepy.

Yeosang had woken to this place and immediately recognised it. He was 'there' his worst enemy.

His eyes sprinkled with tears as he remembered all of his memories that were focused on this place.
He had escaped the last time but that doesn't mean he can this time.

He was terrified of this place, he never wanted to return but here he is tied to a bed weeping. He just thanks the lord for him wearing clothes otherwise he would freeze to death.

It wasn't long until a figure, the same figure from the concert, came into the room grinning manically.

The figure had a box and Yeosang knew full well what was in that box.
What the figure called toys.

Thankfully the ex lover never used the damaging ones saying he didn't want to damage Yeosangs milky skin but he would find other ways to torture Yeosang.

"please let me go" Yeosang begged and the figure laughed.
"not a chance love, I only just found you you can't leave until we've had fun. I thought you loved me, isn't that why you made it easy for me to find you?" the male figure said.

"I never loved you, you abused me daily you don't have a right to call that love. Your insane" Yeosang yelled causing the sweet smile on the other males face to drop.

"HOW DARE YOU! I GAVE YOU EVERYTHING AND YOU BETRAY ME BY RUNNING AWAY. I LOVED YOU YEOSANG AND I STILL DO, IF I CAN'T HAVE YOU NO ONE CAN!! The figure yelled raising his arm that had a belt in, he lowered it heavily smacking Yeosangs back leaving a red mark and a little blood were the buckle had scratched. He did this 45 times before stopping.

"you get no food for a week let's see if your defiant then. Good luck love " the male left after grinning insanely causing Yeosang to shiver and whimper in pain. He wanted to leave already, he didn't know were his bravery came from and honestly he was scared to retaliate but he knows if he doesn't he will be stuck here forever.

Without second thought he fell asleep to mentally exhausted to stay awake.

When will he be free?

A few hours later Yeosang awoke to the face of his kidnapper, he was startled causing him to flinch backwards making the ropes on his wrists knaw at his skin. The figure simply laughed creepily and stepped back.

"Hello love I hope you had a good sleep" the man said and Yeosang just gulped.

"Answer me!!" the man raised his voice once again making Yeosang flinch.

"yes I did" he whispered.

"better, now I'm going to play with you for a while and you will be punished if you don't listen to me." the man said and Yeosangs eyes teared up again before nodding.

The man started by removing his clothes and then Yeosangs making sure to place a ring around his dick.

Being exposed made Yeosang want to cry but he stayed quiet.

" look at these beautiful legs" the man said to himself licking his lips.
"so pretty" the man said before grabbing a knife and grinning.

"a little too pretty" the man said stabbing the knife into one of Yeosangs legs causing him to cry out.

He begged for the man to stop but he didn't. He bit his lip to help with the pain but it didn't work, blood simply dripped from his mouth and down his chin apparently making him more seductive as the man went dry.

The man rammed in deeply and roughly not giving the smaller male a chance to breathe. Yeosang began choking on his saliva and blood his face going blood red from the struggle.

The man continued but Yeosang didn't react once. He let the man do whatever he didn't enjoy it and thankfully his body listened but maybe a little too well.

Because in the next moment his head was being bashed into the wall as the man above him growled in rage while continuing his brute force on the younger backside.


To another word, right. That world will be hell because that's what this feels like.

The abuse continued until late afternoon the man having been at this for a full day.

Yeosang was numb, his eyes were blank, his ass bleeding heavily. Will it be better to end it? He asked himself.

He was here for a day and he's already been broken more than he previously was.

If I die, jongho can have a better life, the group can do better without his untalented being. He can't do this anymore, he needs to leave. Please someone save me. Please save me from myself and my mind. I beg of you.
Yeosang thought to himself.

He stated off into space and imagined what life would be if he never met this person.

Would he have been successful? Would he have a family? Or would he be dead, a victim of his own mind?

He honestly couldn't tell and he never thought of it before but now with all hope lost in a few hours Yeosang had nothing better to do then kill himself slowly.

This stayed for a week and as he grew skinnier his mind grew darker. As his body was broken further, the more hope and self worth was lost.

Until it collapsed.

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