Chapter 9

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True to his word, jongho made sure no one could find out about Yeosangs situation. He wanted to prove to his hyung he's trustworthy and can keep a secret when needed.

He woke up Yeosang before heading downstairs while Yeosang woke and changed clothes. He was smiling happily as he knew he could trust jongho and the test he wanted to do was a success now he just had to continue on with his crush.

Yeosang joined the others downstairs all in different situations.

Both yunho and seonghwa are limping slightly. Wooyoung was pretty much crippled.

San and mingi smirking at each other and hongjoong being absent.
It didn't take long to understand how this situation occurred. Which opted for him to roll his eyes and sigh wallowing in self pity as he was still single and hoping to mingle with jongho but he knew he had to wait otherwise he could ruin everything.

Jongho just laughed at the situation but brightened up when Yeosang was seen from behind the crippled male.

"Yeosang hyung!" he called with a bright smile
"yeah?" Yeosang replied
"because of these doofusses here we don't have to do dance practice today and are allowed to mess around in the dance studio so the ceo doesn't find out about this. Our managers burst their bubbles when they saw the state these were in earlier." jongho exclaomed pointing at the 3 bottoms. Yeosang smirked and grinned.

" why thank you " he politely said causing everyone to flinch but not in a scared way but are startled way, they haven't seen Yeosang this happy since they trained in that dance studio in America. They shivered and cuddled in a corner.

"who are you and what have you done with my savage child." seonghwa said being the bravest to speak up.

"I'm just happy" Yeosang said subtly raising an eyebrow causing jongho to stifle his laughter.

After everyone calmed down from this state wooyoung started to moan as they got in the car.
"sannie why did you break my ass" he whined. San just smirked in his direction.

"because you shouldn't tease me" san said shortly not explaining the whole reason why causing wooyoung to groan and whine again.

Yunho simply blushed as he felt woerd in his lower egions due to mingis hand on his thigh.

Seonghwa tried to stop wooyoungs winning but had to focus on the road as he was driving today with their main manager in the passenger seat.

Said manager was messaging hongjoong to get to the practice room, extremely used to this coversation and just sighs at wooyoungs load winning.

"guys shush we've been told just now you need to do a vlive blog so go ahead remember no talking about personal life no matter how much the shippers press" the manager said causing everyone to promptly close their mouths as the vlive started up with the manager holding the phone.

They talked about many things, answered fans questions and did small requests the fans asked that were only for games rather than for kissing another member and ecetera.

They were slightly uncomfortable with the request but simply ignored those ones playing it off as not seeing the comment.

Once they finished the vlive/blog they arrived at the studio and met up with hongjoong who was waiting outside the practice room when they showed up he rushed to seonghwa and maasaged his back as the males waist was still hurting from their fun the previous night.

Wooyoung had slightly recovered but found sitting a challenging thing. San simply helped him will smiling, giggling and laughing at his boyfriends agony but both males knew he truly loved wooyoung.

Yunho and mingi opted to standing and cuddling at the side of the group as a way of affection or apology from the previous night.

Yeosang and jongho simply stood to the side themselves awkward at all the pda the other members were showing. They weren't disgusted don't get them wrong they simply felt awkward as they are the only single people here.

"oh right jongho you never said what you like, I know everyone here is gay and bi secual but what about you?" Yeosang whispered to jongho.
"I like don't care who as long as I love them" jongho said as if it wasn't a big deal.

(insight list here:

Yeosang nodded and walked to the small couch they have as he watched chaos unfold.

He was happy jongho was pan as he knew if he was either bi or gay he wouldn't have been so accepting of his cross dressing/ former wanting to be female.

He knew he was broken and maybe jongho is his glue to be fixed, all he had to do was wait until their love connects and the glue dries, but he knew that could take a while.

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