Chapter 4

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Again Yeosang woke up with jongho in his bed and he never really bothered to reprimand the boy for it as he enjoyed the others males warmth.

Today was a new day and it was their time to record the new song, their next fanmeeting or concert isn't until a while so they had plenty of time to plan what they'll be doing.

They've already released a teaser courtesy of the staff which made the boys excited for their songs release.

So as Yeosang got dressed he immediately shook jongho awake and told him to get dressed as well, them having no time to dilly dally as the time on the clock says they are to leave in 20 minutes, having finally dressed they had 10 minutes to spare so they rushed downstairs and hurriedly gobbled up some toast and fruit before the group had to leave.

Once they arrived to the building they were going to be filming in they had an hour rest so they can get dressed, get hair done and get makeup on this taking till about 11:50 so with the last 10 minutes they went through the choreo a few times to make sure they're all in sync and remember all the moves.

Once they officially started the work It took them all day to do half of the MV. So they returned the next day to finish it off and review the finished project.

Once it was finished it was edited and put together well and finally released.

To celebrate they all went for a meal. They went to a restaurant that serves foreign foods and since the boys pretty much trained in America they miss the foods they could get that aren't in Korea.

So with their celebratory instinct they all ordered different things. After some coaxing Yeosang was made not to buy chicken as it was expensive from their price range. Upset he sighed and pouted but jongho tried to cheer him up by getting some other meat, he got meatballs. Yeosang smiled at the effort and ate with him as they had to share a dish. This was also shared with seonghwa who also loves meat and mingi who wanted to eat it rather than the veggie dishes.

Hongjoong got chow me in as it was cheap, san and Wooyoung got a hotpot to share and yunho just opted for a salad. This concerned the others but they couldn't do anything about it.

Once they were done they all headed to their Dorm and relaxed into the seats.
(I know they performed elsewhere but I forgot to mention it and didn't want to confuse my souls).

With this spare time they all spent time with one another by watching a movie, more specifically a horror as yunho made a bet with jongho on who ould be the most scared.

So everyone joined the growing pile and the movie started. Obviously it wasn't long until mingi was yelling at everything in the screen, Wooyoung in sans lap and hongjoong cradling a sleeping seonghwa. While jongho and Yeosang were staring at the TV bored as all the chaos made it hard to hear.

Yunho was too busy trying to calm a hysterics mingi, to realise he had lost the bet. Since he bet on Yeosang wanting to give his lover a chance to redeem himself and jongho on mingi as he knew it was inevitable.

Yes you read that right yunho and mingi are dating and have been since they were in school together.

This is the same for seonghwa and hongjoong however theirs was fairly more recent of only 3 months.

Yeosang was the only one unaware and the others thought he already knew so they never brought it up.

Once the movie finished everyone dispersed to their rooms. "good night jongho" Yeosang said smiling and jongho returned the smile and replied the same. Today he was going to sleep on his own as he has started to get chest pains whenever he's around the older and thought if he didn't get too close it wouldn't hurt.

So he made up his mind and fell asleep. Only to realise his thoughts were wrong.

However with Yeosang he was smiling idiotically and staring at the ceiling blushing.

He was making progress and he was ecstatic, he knew the younger was probably the most comfortable with him as he seems to enjoy cuddling up to the older, so he thought he'd attempt to show his feelings in some way and he thought this was the best way so he was going to continue with it.

After about an hour of fanboying and internally freaking out Yeosang calmed his heated face and turned around to sleep. Falling asleep with a slither of a smile on his lips.

He cnt wait for the future, he was so ready to put this hope into motion.

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